(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟏𝟏) order of the phoenix

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ATHENA WOKE UP ON SUNDAY MORNING curled up at the end of Lily Evans' bed like a cat. She felt dreary and rather sick and noted that Lily looked as good as ever as she stared down at her.

"Don't say I told you so" Athena sighed as she sat up and felt her head spin,

"I told you so" Lily smiled sweetly, "do you even remember anything from last night?"

"Was I that bad?" Athena frowned.

"You weren't the worst" Lily shrugged,

"I remember quite a bit yeah" Athena nodded. In fact she remembered everything up until when they started doing shots after that it became a bit of a blur.

To her dismay, the encounter she'd shared with Remus was still fresh in her mind though she doubted that would be the case for him.

"Who was the worst then?" Athena asked as she tied her hair up messily on top of her head,

"James" Lily nodded quickly, "Remus went to bed really early, though I think you took him".

"Yeah I did" Athena confirmed, "he started downing a bottle of fire whiskey and I didn't think that was going to go well"

"Do you like him?" Lily asked as she smiled in excitement,

"As a friend yes" Athena rolled her eyes.

The girl was very against telling anyone about her feelings towards Remus. About a year ago she'd told Dorcas that she'd had feelings for him in the past and that had been bad enough.

Telling them was false hope for her and for them. Remus and Athena had known each other forever and despite the fluttering feeling she felt when she saw him and the general joy that he brought her, she knew by this point that there was no chance of anything happening between them.

"If you say so" Lily shrugged, "anyway this note came for you before, I was going to wake you but I'm not sure how important it was"

The ginger girl held out a small piece of folded paper. It was plain with no seal or envelope.

There was a neat scrawl on the front spelling her name. She opened it quickly and felt her heart drop as her eyes scanned over the paper.

Miss Sinistra
Please come to my office at two pm, I am hosting an official order meeting and I think it is about time that you join us.
Professor Dumbledore

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now