(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟐𝟑) pancakes

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ATHENA LIKED THE DAYS THAT SHE COULD SPEND alone with Remus. They were calm, content and always reminded her why she loved him so much. She could lie in bed as long as she wanted without the prospect of an order meeting or a work shift.

With absolutely no responsibility, Athena woke up to see the April sun pouring in through the curtains. It has been weirdly warm in England at the moment. Considering it was only April and therefore usually filled with rain, the sunlight was peculiar but also welcomed.

Athena rolled over and slung her arm over Remus, laying her forehead onto his back and wondering whether he was awake. She received her answer a few moments later when she heard his groggy morning voice call out.

"Good afternoon"

"What time is it?"

"One" he replied, "aren't you hungry?"

"Not really" Athena yawned, "I am tired though"

"You've just slept for twelve hours"

"I was awake until seven Rem" Athena replied.

"Oh" he turned over so that their foreheads touched, "you still having trouble sleeping?"

"I'm always having trouble sleeping Remus, I'm just used to it"

"You didn't mention"

"I thought you knew" she shrugged, "anyway it doesn't matter, six hours sleep is a lot for me"

Athena moved and pulled herself out of bed. She re-tied her hair up as her old bun had been falling out over her shoulders. Despite being sunny, the warmth didn't exactly correlate and Athena found herself cold as she stepped into the bathroom.

She coated her toothbrush with paste and leant warily against the counter in front of her. Remus pondered in a few moments later. Athena couldn't help but gaze at the scars over his abdomen as he found his own toothbrush.

Athena was glad that Remus no longer had any reservations about covering up his scars. He could walk around with them in clear view when Athena was there and he no longer cared. She was glad he'd grown this comfortable with her.

She had her own scars too, of course nothing like Remus' however the were also on view as she stood in front of the mirror. One of them was on her forearm and read the words LIAR. She'd gotten used to seeing this one now but it still tingled when she looked at it. The other had faded a long time ago but was still visible. It depicted three large scratches received from Remus when she'd first found out that he was a werewolf. At the time she hadn't even been able to look at them because it reminded her of the secrets that Remus had been keeping. Now however, it was just another part of her.

They stood in silence brushing their teeth. Athena enjoyed the almost rhythmic noises that they were making without even realising. The scent of spearmint filled the room as Athena moved the brush around in her mouth.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now