(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟐𝟖) babysitting

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ATHENA WAS AWAKE WITH EXHAUSTION, only a day had passed since Dacre had been here. Since Dacre had died here. Athena's mind was still conflicted and begging for sleep that she simply couldn't give it.

Maybe her biggest worry should have been her split soul, Sirius being in Azkaban or Harry being with the Dursley's however the only thing that Athena could think of was Remus.

She needed to know that he was ok and she was beginning to get annoyed by him jumping up and leaving her. He knew exactly what she was going through and even if he was annoyed, was this bad enough for him to leave her completely alone through the hardest time in her life?

She was angry, worried and alone. Her friends weren't here. Her sister was at Hogwarts and Athena really didn't want to see her right now knowing that all she'd talk about was the prospect of the new job opportunity.

Athena's only remaining friends were Frank and Alice. She tried to hold onto this but it didn't seem like a lot. Of course Frank and Alice were incredible people who she loved a lot, more than she could put into words.

However they didn't make up for everyone that Athena had lost. She still felt empty and alone. Lying in her bed staring at the ceiling, Athena yet again wondered where Remus was. What he was doing? What he was thinking?

Was he still annoyed? Would he always be annoyed? Would anything ever be the same between them again? Had Athena messed up the one thing in her life that she should have treasured above everything else?

Her mind was full of questions that she couldn't answer no matter how hard she tried. Her hand moved to the golden locket lying on her chest where it had been a lot over her sleepless night.

Remus being alive didn't answer anything. It didn't mean that he was ok. Often Athena saw his heartbeat as a sign of comfort but now she knew that life didn't guarantee everything. Just because Remus' heart was still beating didn't mean that he was surviving. He could be broken for all she knew and Athena had no way to do anything about it.

Feeling completely useless, Athena gave up the idea of sleep and clambered out of her bed. She felt as though she was a walking corpse, her head aching and her eyes weary. However she was sure that this was nothing a shower and coffee couldn't fix.

Athena hated the daily prophet. It seemed the ministry were only now playing their part in the war which was about three years too late. All the paper talked about was death eaters, asking people to come forwards with information.

There were lists of names regarding wanted people. Athena's eyes skated over it and was not surprised to see that Dacre was the top of that list. She supposed that they didn't need to worry about that anymore but Athena wasn't going to tell them about that. Using an unforgivable curse would place her in Azkaban right beside Sirius.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now