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STUDENTS SETTLED BACK INTO HOGWARTS AS THOUGH THEY HAD NEVER LEFT. Athena had felt this way every year after her first, it's like coming home from a vacation, you've been gone for a while but it's still home.

First night welcomed a party in celebration of Dorcas' eighteenth. Athena much preferred the scenes in the Gryffindor common room to the ones they'd experienced in the muggle club (although she did get a bit too drunk).

Teachers had taken to constantly remind students that exams would be taking place in two terms time. This scared Athena because last year she'd been able to wipe the idea of exams clean out of her mind, sixth year was supposedly a time to have fun, parties and relationships (at least that's what people who had experienced it said).

However seventh year was a whole new deal. Aurora had told her sister that seventh year was by far the most stressful. Considering that OWL's had stressed her out a lot, she was not prepared to face NEWT's anytime soon.

Sure it was only September and exams didn't start until May yet it seemed as though the months always flew past at the school. This was most likely because she wanted to hold onto the days so desperately, Athena didn't want her time at Hogwarts to end.

A positive came at the beginning of the year through the realisation that Avery and Mulciber were no longer in attendance. Athena was glad to see the back of them, they were both disgusting blood supremacists and at this moment would probably be plotting some evil scheme with Voldemort himself.

However as the first week progressed, Athena came to notice that she barely saw Kennedy at all. The girl definitely wasn't hanging around with the group as she usually did. Of course before the end of last year she wouldn't be caught dead with the marauders but Athena thought this had changed.

She'd seen her a couple of times with her new sleek hair and emotionless face. She never carried around her bat and wore weird plimsole shoes instead of her usual clunky boots. It seemed obvious that she was trying desperately not to draw attention to herself. Kennedy looked plain, basic and simple, which was unusual for the girl who usually wore thick eyeliner and made a racket with her footsteps to relish in the glances of intimidation she received.

Now she hid away almost like a chameleon, blending in with everything around her. Occasionally, Athena had tried to talk to her, run after her and grab her arm but somehow she always got away. Athena was worried, relived that she was alive of course, but worried.

Athena tried not to dwell on it that much, she was sure that the girl would come around. After all she always did. It had been the same last year, for a while Kennedy had seemed quite distant. However this had been for good reason, Athena wondered whether Voldemort had given her another hideous task to complete this year considering she failed the last one.

If Athena ever did become a teacher, she made a mental note not to set so much homework. All of the professors she had sent her drowning in essays, books, practical work and spells. Despite only taking five lessons it felt as though she had twenty odd pieces of work set each week.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now