(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟔) harry potter

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"WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO WITH YOUR DAY OFF?" Remus asked. They were sitting in the garden with cups of tea in hand. The sun was dangerously warm as august approached. July had been slow. Order meetings had been cancelled for the time being and work was just work at this point. Athena was back to everyday feeling the same.

"I think I'm going to go to Godric's Hollow" Athena replied, "see Lily and James"

"Sounds like a plan" Remus nodded,

"Will you come?" She asked.

Athena turned to Remus to see him gazing at a few birds that were chattering in one of their trees. She turned to see a red squirrel winding its way around the tree and she smiled to herself.

"Yeah I'll come, don't have anything better to be doing" Remus shrugged as he finished his tea. Athena looked back at him and felt guilty for many reasons. She felt bad for lying to him about the true fate of Lily and James, for giving him hope where there wasn't any. However she had a new guilt that had started recently.

Athena had started reading into becoming an animgus. This was something she had wanted to do for years. Remus had always shut her down whenever she mentioned this because he knew exactly why she was doing it. Athena wanted to accompany Remus on the full moon knowing that when the marauders did this he'd always been better.

Remus hadn't been especially bad on the full moons recently however she knew that he'd be better if he had company and Athena knew that she could be this company. She wasn't going to tell him until she'd done it. Becoming an animgus wasn't easy, it took a lot of skill, effort and concentration. Athena wasn't sure how she was going to keep a mandrake leaf in her mouth for an entire month without him noticing however she was sure that she'd be able to figure it out.

"Everything ok?" Remus asked and Athena noticed that she'd been staring at him,

"Yeah course" she nodded in return, "I'll go and get ready"

Athena took the two mugs off the small patio table and walked back into the house which was cooler than the outside air.

She enjoyed summer days, Athena was the kind of person who loved all seasons. As a child Summer had always been her favourite, this was because she could go out running around and playing without the prospect of cold or rain (except it would often rain being England and all).

Athena placed the two mugs in the sink and wandered up the stairs to go and change into something nice. She'd been determined to spend a lot of time with Lily and James recently for obvious reasons. Of course she didn't want them to catch on but seeing their smiles and hearing their voices was a comfort to her even though she knew that these things were limited.


The couple apperated into Godric's Hollow instead of using floo powder as this would often startle residents and startling Lily was the last thing anyone needed. Athena entwined her arm with Remus' as they walked. She'd never really seen the village properly however she knew that it had been the original residing place of Godric Gryffindor, hence the name.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now