(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟏𝟐) questions and snowball fights

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CHRISTMAS WAS ALWAYS ONE OF ATHENA'S favourite times of the year. The music, the old films, the festive spirits and the grand decorations. She loved being able to spend time with her family and what made it even better was that Remus was yet again spending Christmas with her.

He wasn't staying over until Christmas Eve this year along with his parents (and thankfully not his brother). The week before, Mary and Henry Sinistra were running round like headless chickens trying to put up the trees, buy all the food and wrap all the presents.

Athena wasn't still holding up a fort against her parents, she wasn't happy with them but it was Christmas and she didn't want to have any sour emotions or bitter feelings standing in the way of a good day.

Her intention over the coming week was to shut herself in her room blasting her Christmas record and watching the snow fall out of her bedroom window. For some reason it had been snowing a lot since the night in the lake. Usually England didn't bless snow until February (if at all) however this test it seemed as though they were going to have a white Christmas.

Unfortunately, she couldn't stick to her plans of doing absolutely nothing and pretending the days leading up to Christmas didn't exist. The news was broken to her through her father and although she hadn't been entirely happy about it she pretended that she didn't care, that way she wouldn't offend anyone.

Aunt Melissa had arrived on the twenty third of December which meant someone had to spend the day with her otherwise Mary's head just might explode. Aurora was busy (as usual) which left the job of entertainment to Athena. This was also because Athena got on with her aunt the best mainly because she didn't give her any grief over her past mistakes and elaborate stories that were mainly lies.

Therefore, instead of sitting in her room blasting Frank Sinatra and forgetting the world existed, Athena had to spent the eve of Christmas Eve travelling to Diagon Alley with her aunt. Melissa was a peculiar character with long brown hair, pencilled eyebrows and a lot of makeup. She wore heels everywhere and always looked like she'd stepped out of a fashion magazine in fur lined coats and the highest range dresses. No one know where she got the money to afford clothes such as this but no one dared ask either. It was best to leave Melissa in her own world.

Athena stepped into the fire after her aunt disappeared into a sea of green flames,
"Good luck" Aurora smiled as she walked into the room lazily,

"You're not even busy are you?" Athena scoffed as she watched her sister take a mug of coffee in her hands and flop into the sofa.

"Have fun Rena" she called simply. Athena huffed loudly before grabbing a handful of floo powder and throwing it into the fireplace at her feet,

"Diagon Alley" she stated clearly and closed her eyes as the familiar swirling and sickly feeling took over her.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now