(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟏𝟑) slytherin stigma

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ATHENA WALKED DOWN TO THE SIDE OF THE LAKE that was glistening in the February sunlight. Kennedy was already seated there wearing black as usual. She didn't have her bat with her but was instead throwing and catching something between her hands.

"What you got?" Athena asked as she sat herself down onto the grass beside Kennedy,

"Remembrall" Kennedy replied, "it's supposed to tell me if I've forgotten something or not... present from my parents, I think they're trying to remind me how I keep forgetting to be a good daughter".

Athena laughed as she took the small glass ball in her own hands, it was delicate surrounded in a band of gold with small white curves etched into it.

"You have to shake it" Kennedy explained as Athena looked down at the ball sitting in her palm.

Athena did so, gently shaking the light ball three times until she opened her palm again. Inside the glass, a faint green mist had appeared.

Kennedy took the ball back off her and shook it herself, the mist now turned red.

"Problem is" Kennedy sighed, "I can't quite remember what I've forgotten"

Athena laughed as she lay her head back into the grass which had now grown quite long.

It had been a month since Athena saw the marauders sneak out and she had been intrigued to see where they ventured to however since then she hadn't been able to catch them at it.

She'd been spending more time in the Gryffindor common room, staying later and later each time in an attempt to see them sneak off but unfortunately they hadn't.

The girl had begun to wonder whether they only did it when Remus went home. Remus wasn't entirely responsible in fact James was arguably the mother of the group however they hadn't snuck out this entire month and the only time the girl had seen them was when Remus wasn't there.

Luckily for her Remus was leaving tomorrow which gave Athena the perfect opportunity to try and follow them. Her curiosity was continuing to get the better of her.

"How's it going with Sirius?" Kennedy asked lightly as she too fell back into the grass,

"Good" Athena smiled, "he's actually quite soft when you get to know him"

"I'm sure" Kennedy smirked in a sarcastic manner.

"How are things with Regulus?" Athena raised her eyebrows,

"I'm not dating Regulus" Kennedy laughed,

"You seem close"

"Because we're friends" Kennedy replied, "he feels more like a brother to me"

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now