(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟏𝟑) where did all the time go ?

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MAYBE IT WAS BETTER IF ATHENA HADN'T FOUND OUT THE TRUTH. She walked out of the school with a permanent confused frown as she tried to figure out how this could make sense.

A large part of Athena hadn't been expecting someone from her own group and a large part of her had expected it to be Kennedy which she now felt stupid about. She'd been right to trust Kennedy, everyone had just been getting into her head.

However it didn't seem right for it to be Peter and Tessa. Tessa had been a death eater since 1979 which was even weirder. Athena had simply inducted her into the order without question. How could she have gotten it so wrong?

The prophecy that Trelawney made to her was right in many ways. The duplicate of betrayal will cloud your judgment forever. Athena was never going to get over this, she would never confidently trust anyone again. Not after this.

She walked slowly through Hogsmede with the image of her memories with Peter swarming through her mind. She'd always loved Peter, he was one of her best friends. She'd always expected a lot of him, he'd started showing his true self sometime after fifth year. Athena had watched him become more confident and she'd been so proud.

Peter had looked up to the marauders more than anyone even though he was one of them. He'd been a loyal companion, always very unsure of himself. Athena remembered him telling her how he didn't think he was good enough to be one of them, that he shouldn't even be in Gryffindor.

At the time, Athena had told him that just because he wasn't as outspoken, confident or witty as the others didn't mean that he didn't have good characteristics of his own. She told him that he was an amazing, generous friend who was always welcoming to talk to.

She'd felt glad when he'd smiled at these words and now she wondered whether they'd ever been true. Had Peter ever been who she believed him to be? Surely he hadn't been putting on the act of the sweet boy, that was Peter... wasn't it?

However Athena believed that he'd been right about one thing. He didn't deserve to be in Gryffindor. Gryffindor was for the brave and courageous and Athena could tell that he was neither of these things. She supposed a lot of his reasoning for joining the other side was fear.

Peter had never been independent, he'd never thought for himself. His opinions had been taken from the marauders and he'd followed them blindly through his time at Hogwarts. Now he would let Voldemort think for him which was both a sad and terrifying thought.

Athena's first thought had been to pity him, she believed he had been manipulated into it. Surely that must be the case because the sweet and loving  Peter that Athena knew would never willingly do this.

However that was just it, Peter was no longer the sweet loving boy that Athena had known. There was no excuse for what he had done or more importantly, what he was going to do.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now