(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟏𝟗) the hills

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THE NEXT DAY HADN'T BEEN ANY BETTER in terms of the awkward behaviour the friends had been carrying round. In fact it had probably gotten worse since Athena walked in on him while he was having a nightmare.

Remus had gone for a walk during the afternoon while Athena sat in her room reading, she would have liked to have gone with him however that didn't seem like a possibility at this point.

She flicked through the pages of her book and wondered whether he would come back. He was leaving tomorrow anyway for the moon and because his parents were home. Maybe he'd just go to James' send a note of thank you and just never return.

That's what Athena would do.

She always loved running away from her problems, after all that was the easiest solution. Not facing anything meant easier consequences, until the time came where you couldn't hide it anymore.

Just as she flicked another page in her book Athena felt the regular stench of boredom wash over her. She began to wonder why she'd agreed to go home at Easter at all. Maybe she should have stayed with Peter, though that didn't seem like an appealing decision.

Jumping off her bed, she stared at the clock to see that she still had time to make it up to the moors before sunset. It seemed like a reasonable way to calm her stress.

She picked up one of the lanterns out of the downstairs cupboard knowing that she was planning on being up there until dark, it would be difficult to make her way back down the jagged paths without light.

"I'm going to watch the sunset" Rena called to her father who currently had his nose buried in the newspaper, he just grunted into response as Athena pulled on her coat and disappeared off out of the house.

The lantern swung around noisily as she paced down the stone path at the back of the garden, the iron gate creaked as she stepped through making sure to shut it behind her.
It seemed that everyone was up in their houses as the walk was completely desolate. She half expected to see Remus before remembering that her dad had told her he went for a walk in the village, not up the hills.

The climb was steep but she was used to doing it all the time. Ever since she moved her she'd sprinted up the sides without a care in the world. Although it became harder as she grew up she didn't find it difficult. By the end her legs would be yearning for her to sit down but that was it.

The sky was still a pale blue alerting her to the fact that she still had loads of time, the path she was on was surrounded by bushes littered with red berries and green leaves. Some of them towered over her given that spring was their peak time.

She appreciated the shelter from the world as she carried on climbing. There were rocks to her left, not small ones but bit slates that she used to climb on top of and claim she was the king of the world.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now