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"LILY SAYS THAT WE CAN SPEND CHRISTMAS DAY AT THE POTTER HOUSE" Remus informed her as he flicked through today's post. Athena turned outside to see that the rain shower had gotten heavier. So much for a white Christmas.

"There's a letter for you" Remus mused,

"They're all for me you're just reading them" Athena sighed as she placed her mug of coffee down on the counter and walked over.

"They're to both of us" Remus rolled his eyes, "this ones just to you"

Athena picked up the envelope and slid it open using her thumb. Inside was a think piece of parchment with a neatly written note of sloping navy letters. She immediately recognised the handwriting to belong to her sister. Her large letters and neat calligraphy were unmistakable.

Dear Rena

Professor Slughorn asked me to invite you to his party on the fifteenth of December. I know you never particularly liked these events but it would be nice to see you. You're classed as my guest so unfortunately you can't bring anyone else. You don't have to stay long I promise

Love Rory

Athena sighed loudly as she slid the letter over the table for Remus to read. His eyes skated across it a few times before he frowned.

"You never know, Lily and James might be invited"

"I doubt it" Athena shrugged, "I bet Rory asked Slughorn to invite me, she's been desperate to find a reason to see me"

"It's because she's worried about you which isn't a bad thing"

"I have enough people worrying about me" Athena muttered, "there's so much shit happening and I'm going to attend a poncy Christmas party"

"There's not much happening at the moment" Remus pointed out, "plus you shouldn't feel guilty for having a bit of fun, we could all do with it"

"This isn't a bit of fun, this is a night from hell" Athena sighed again loudly. Being dramatic was one of her favourite things yet Remus didn't fall for her exaggeration anymore. He simply rolled his eyes with a smirk on his lips and pulled her onto his lap.

"She said you don't have to stay long" he murmured,

"I'd rather just stay here... with you" she added softly,

"Don't do that" he laughed,

"I wasn't doing anything"

"You're guilt tripping me so I'll tell you not to go"

"Did it work?"

"No" he smiled, "it'll do you good to get out of the house, to see Aurora"

"Maybe it'll get her off my back for a bit at least" Athena pondered, "right fine I'll go but I'm staying for two hours and three drinks"

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now