(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟐𝟔) kennedy

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SIRIUS HAD DETENTION UNTIL THE END OF TERM, he wasn't happy about it but he also couldn't argue that he didn't deserve it. What pissed everyone off the most was the fact that Snape, Avery and Mulciber had gotten it easiest.

James had been healed pretty fast and hadn't complained at all. Snape on the other hand had been telling everyone how Sirius had gone psycho on him. The boy claimed that he'd never be able to walk the same again and hopped around with a fake limp.

Sirius hadn't gone to Madame Pomfrey despite the bruises on his face and knuckles. He said he didn't care and that they didn't hurt anyway but Athena presumed that wasn't really the case.

She held onto his hand lightly as they sat around the common room talking. They'd tried to avoid the subject of the fight, especially Sirius who seemed embarrassed about what they had been mocking him about.

The boy theorised that Regulus must have told them as he couldn't think of any other way they'd be able to figure it out.

Athena was so pissed off with the Slytherins that she even condoned the marauders harsh words towards them.

She couldn't believe they'd stooped low enough to make fun of something that terrible. They laughed about it so freely that Rena realised they actually found it amusing. The fact that they could make a joke out of Sirius' pain was disgusting.

Lily and the girls usually claimed that the groups were as bad as each other however in this case it was clear to see the divide, James and Sirius would never in a million years go that far.

Speaking of Lily, she hadn't been sitting with the group at all. In fact it seemed the group had split in two. The girls tended to sit with Lily who was fuming that Sirius had beaten Snape up.

They tried to tell her that he was right in doing so however she was a lot like McGonagall in the way that she thought nothing could condone that. She was annoyed at Snape too of course, apparently she wasn't speaking to him at all.

Athena felt rather awkward jumping between the groups and she hoped it would end soon. She mostly sat with Sirius as he told her it made him feel better. She liked to feel as though she was doing something to help.

"If you pull something else like that they'll probably kick you out" James muttered as they sat around the fire,

"Good" Sirius laughed,

"Don't say that" Athena murmured, "you need to stay in school"

"Not as long as they're here" Sirius continued, "I don't regret what I did"

"Don't let Lily hear you saying that" Peter glanced over to the girls who were sitting at the other side of the room.

Athena saw Marlene glance over and smile lightly. There was no tension between anyone except Lily. The girls thought what Sirius had done was wrong but they weren't completely pissed off about it.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now