(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟏𝟖) eternal love

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ATHENA HAD NEVER BEEN TO A WEDDING at least not one that she could remember. Her sisters celebration wasn't truthfully a wedding but it was as close as they could get to the real thing.

Remus had been slightly disappointed that they'd chosen to host it on Valentine's Day. Apparently he'd had some big plans yet Athena knew that he was bluffing. Sure it would have been nice to spend the day with him but to be fair she spent every day with him at the moment so it didn't make much difference.

It was surprising how well they meshed when living under the same roof. Athena had imagined they would argue more than they did. There were a few squabbles about trivial things such as washing up or turning on the taps when the other is trying to take a shower. However apart from that things were pretty simple.

Valentine's Day fell on a Saturday, Athena didn't work so it wouldn't have made a difference if it had been on a weekday but she knew this was a happy coincidence for her sister.

Athena had been getting excited about a fortnight before. She desperately wanted to see her sister happy and she wanted to make up for the time that she hadn't known about her and Dominique.

She was glad that Aurora had confided in her at all as this wasn't always an easy thing for her to do but a part of her wished that she'd done it earlier. Athena felt she'd missed out on some of the best bits like the burning lead up, the first date and the knowledge that Aurora was falling in love.

Nevertheless she was more than ready to make up for it now. Remus had been invited to the wedding (presumably because of Athena and only because of Athena) and he seemed pleasantly excited about it too.

It made a change from their dampened life, discussions about the war and days of lying in bed and doing not much else. Happiness provided even in a simple form of a wedding was enough to drag them out of bed with smiles on their faces.

Athena had been titled maid of honour, something she hadn't exactly expected. Aurora had a tight knit group of friends who were probably a lot more worthy for the job than her. However being Auroras sister was something that did make her feel proud. Often she was jealous of how easily Aurora could stride through life, making a success for her name without any problems but she was still her sister, still the person she'd tell her darkest fears and happiest dreams to.

Often the job of maid of honour meant that Athena would have to plan some sort of bachelorette party however since this was Auroras wedding there was no such chaos. She presumed that Dominique might have one, she was a lot more outgoing and carried some sort of infectious happiness. However Aurora wasn't much of a party person which was quite understandable.

Aurora had sent her sister the right dress about a week before the ceremony. It had arrived in neatly wrapped brown paper embezzled with stars (definitely Auroras doing).

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now