(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟐𝟕) awaited apologies

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ATHENA COULDN'T SLEEP FOR WORRYING, The not being able to sleep part was something she'd grown used to. Having insomnia since a young age meant she recognised the usual feeling of frustration and anxiety.

However tonight, her mind was fixated onto Remus. Peter had been right when he'd said Remus didn't cope well without them. That's why the marauders had become animagi in the first place, to stop him from hurting himself.

He hadn't been alone on the night of a full moon since they'd become animagi in the first place. This was around a year and a half ago which led everyone to belived this time was going to be worse than ever.

In conclusion, Athena couldn't sleep. She'd taken the locket out of her bedside table and stared at it wanting nothing but to hold it. However she'd made a promise to herself never to hold it on a full moon, she wasn't sure what she would feel if she did but Athena didn't want to know.

Despite the best friends not making up yet, Athena had already decided she'd be going down to the hospital wing as soon as she could see the sun rise through her window. She'd be there when he woke up like she had been after the night of the prank.

If he didn't want to see her, fair enough. Athena just had to know he was ok, she worried about him more than she probably should. The marauders were beating themselves up about getting detention when they did. Remus told them that they did a good thing and that they should stop apologising but that didn't help.

Athena kept checking the time on her alarm clock beside her bed every two minutes or so. Part of her wanted to go to the hospital wing now but she knew there was no point, after all he was still in wolf form at the moment.

She could see the silvery light of the moon coming through the curtains as she stuck her head around her bedroom drapes. Athena loved its beauty but hated its curse. She thought to Remus all alone in the shack probably howling louder than ever.

When she'd found out why the shrieking shack was called what it was, she'd felt sick. The idea of Remus shrieking in pain was one that she didn't want to imagine. Now more than ever she wished it wasn't so hard to turn into an animagi, she wanted to be by his side even if he told her he was ok.

What felt like days later, the sky turned from a navy to a faint lilac signalling that day was about to break. Athena jumped up immediately and dressed faster than she had in her life.

For a moment she wondered whether it was worth running down so fast, he wouldn't even be there yet. After all he had to turn back into himself and then Madame Pomfrey had to go and get him.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now