(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟐𝟕) her last enemy

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DACRE STARED UP AT ATHENA WITH A conflicting expression. She didn't know what to do, Athena felt stupid for believing that Remus had returned. However the small piece of happiness this had given her faded away instantly as she stared at her father sat on the sofa.

"What are you doing here?" Athena asked as she edged forwards. She wasn't under the pretence that Dacre would hurt her. After himself and Archer, he did actually care about Rena.

Sitting herself down on the seat furthest from him, Athena continued to stare at the man wondering what words he was going to spit at her. His name had been gracing the front of papers for a year now. Always surrounded by blood and horror, Dacre had become a name to fear.

"You've killed so many people" Athena whispered. He didn't reply, he didn't care. Athena knew that her father wasn't opposed to killing as long as he preserved the people who mattered to him. Dacre had terrible morals and he always would.

A while ago, Athena had heard everyone saying that he had to be stopped. His time had to come to an end as many saw him as just as much as a threat as Voldemort. However Athena hadn't wanted to face him again, he reminded her of Archer and even though his death had come long ago. It still hurt.

"I'm dying" Dacre sighed simply. This hadn't been what Athena expected him to say. She looked up in surprise as though expecting him to burst into the laughter that often haunted her mind. However he was staring at her deadly serious.

"What?" Athena frowned, "how are you dying?"

"I've been cursed" Dacre explained, he seemed very bored about it all as though this curse had ruined some dinner plans rather than his life. "The last family I killed placed a curse on me"

"Good for them" Athena scoffed,

"I have a year at the most" Dacre continued, "but it's going to tear me apart... it's going to kill me little by little, it's already started"

"That's karma" Athena replied, "you killed innocent people, they didn't deserve to die"

"Archer didn't deserve to die! I don't deserve to die!"

"The people you killed had nothing to do with Archer's death, that was all Lucius Malfoy, you on the other hand deserve everything that's coming to you"

Dacre stared at her in surprise at this and Athena wasn't sure why he expected her to pity him. Never had he done anything to prove himself as a good person. Dacre was not or would ever be a good person, his morals were twisted if they even existed which was unlikely.

"Archer didn't deserve to die" Dacre repeated,

"Of course he didn't" Athena muttered, "he didn't need to die... he tried to save me for no reason but that doesn't give you the right to go on a murderous rampage"

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now