(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟐𝟐) chief negotiator

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THE AIR WAS COLDER as the group walked through the evening streets. So far the weather had greeted them kindly however now the sky above was grey threatening rain as they walked.

"It's like pathetic fallacy" Athena mused to the group who all seemed to observe her in confusion, "It's a literary technique" she explained, "where the weather reflects the mood... so we're a bit gloomy about having to do this and the weather is mirroring us"

"Yes well we're unfortunately not in a book Rena" James laughed as they continued to walk. She kept her gaze tuned to the sky, hoping to find a small piece of blue sky as they walked.

The time ticked on and Athena could tell that Lily was stressed about how calm Marlene was being. The blonde kept stopping and telling them to go back the other way as she'd messed up the directions.

Lily was beginning to worry that Marlene didn't actually know where they were going and since they didn't know the name of this old pub she couldn't even look it up on the map.

However after rounding a few more corners, she seemed to set herself straight. By the time she informed them all that she definitely knew where she was going, the Eiffel Tower was already shining gold over the rooftops.

"It's five to" Remus told them, staring down at his watch.

"We're not going to make it" Lily groaned,

"We need to find Dacre after he has the cup or it's all for nothing" Athena pointed out, "so it'll be fine"

Lily nodded in mild agreement as they found the place. It looked exactly how Athena had seen it in the crystal ball. The green paint of the sign was peeling in long upwards strips curling towards the sky.

The letters (probably once painted gold) were now a rusted mottled silver. There were tables outside but it was evident they hadn't been used in years. On one of the very dusty and translucent windows sat a sign with the large letters reading 'FOR SALE' only in French, meaning Athena couldn't understand it.

"Do you think they're already in there or shall we hide?" Lily asked,

"Dacre won't be early, it doesn't suit him" Athena said. They collected behind a large collection of black bins. The smell was horrendous as they peered around the side looking quite comical.

"Is this necessary" Dorcas asked, making sure her heels didn't touch any of the rubbish flowing from the bin.

"Yes of course it's necessary" Lily rolled her eyes, "why else do you think we've been here?"

"A good holiday obviously" Marlene sniggered. Athena ignored the joking conversation as she watched the front door of the pub wondering if the other men were inside.

"It's seven" Remus whispered to the group. Everyone fell silent as though expecting something to happen. For a while nothing did. Athena worried that her intuition may have been wrong, maybe Dacre wasn't coming here today at all. Maybe he'd already been.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now