(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟕) blind blame

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HARRY JAMES POTTER WAS CERTAINLY ADORABLE. He had blue eyes when they'd first opened although as Marlene pointed out, all babies had blue eyes when they were born. Athena hoped that he'd end up having green eyes like Lily.

He didn't cry much, Athena had gone over nearly every day that week to see him. She felt connected to him in a way having been the first to actually see him. He'd gaze up at her with wide eyes and she'd almost melt with his cute he was.

She couldn't believe that Lily had made her godmother. Athena had always known that Lily was closer with Marlene and Dorcas and that had never really bothered her. However now she questioned whether that was true. Lily had made her godmother, she'd been there to help her through this and now Rena realised that Lily was insanely grateful for her.

Little Harry had the cutest laugh. James was in love with him. So was Lily of course but James was bouncing off the walls in excitement to have a son. He couldn't believe that he was a father. James would of course make a brilliant father, not that he'd really get the chance.

Thoughts like these had been sneaking into Athena's mind without her realising. She'd be in a happy moment with Harry and his parents when it would hit her. His life, his future and his parents lack of future. Athena would often excuse herself before she burst into tears because of how completely unfair it was.

However she'd created a good coping mechanism of just pushing all these intrusive thoughts out. That way she could appreciate the moment that she was in rather than worrying about what was going to happen. There was no point focusing to the future when the present was still going.

Lily and James had created a beautiful nursery in their spare room. It had a large window to one side which let a stream of glowing light into it. The walls were a soft cream except one which was a powder blue and pattered with fluffy clouds (painted by Dorcas).

The cot sat in the centre of the room with a colourful mobile hanging above it. The hanging decoration depicted birds which occasionally actually fluttered their wings, making Harry laugh. He had loads of toys and clothes that had been gifted from everyone close to Lily and James.

Athena had bought Harry a toy stag which seemed to be his favourite (much to James' delight). The stuffed animal was of course called Prongs and although Harry couldn't say words yet he always made an excited gurgling noise whenever he played with it.

Looking after a baby wasn't all fun and games but being a godmother was. Everyone was helping out of course. Lily and James were stressed, trying to make sure that they were doing everything right and not messing up. Athena kept telling them that no parent was ever fully experienced the first time and that making it up as they went along was perfectly ok. Harry seemed happy enough.

So far he was a pleasure to look after. Athena didn't have to do anything difficult. Harry would laugh at nearly anything which gave Athena a certain confidence boost over her comedy skills (which was simply making weird faces). She'd feel stupid if she wasn't completely lost in the moment.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now