(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟐𝟎) patronus

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GRYFFINDOR PLAYED HUFFLEPUFF THE FOLLOWING WEEK. James was as nervous as ever, maybe even more so now that he'd lost to Slytherin. Hufflepuff had been the only team who had managed to prevail against Gryffindor last year which made everything worse.

There was the white prickles of frost still sitting on the wooden stands conveying how cold it was. Athena sat bundled in her warmest coat, a hat shoved on her head and her hand delved deep into her pockets.

She sat next to Peter who was running her through how Gryffindor should play. Athena wasn't really paying attention however she nodded every few moments to pretend that she cared.

Peter had been a lot more confident recently, not over confident just present. Usually he got lost in the group when they were all talking however that was no longer the case. Athena was happy for him, Peter was sweet and he deserved to be heard (even though Athena was ignoring him in this particular moment).

He'd always been very close with the marauders of course. That hadn't changed but Athena had seen him talking to Marlene and Dorcas a lot more recently. He hadn't been doing the same with Lily mainly because James was still wary of Lily inviting him to the Slughorn party.

Sirius and Lily were sat on the other side of Peter engaged in some argument about a prank that the marauders had pulled on Snape last week. To be fair it had been extremely funny, they'd transfigured his books into birds which had chased him through the halls.

Of course Lily didn't approve even if she wasn't on good terms with Snape anymore. Athena couldn't tell whether the two of them were still friends or not. Sometimes his name would be mentioned she'd do nothing and other times she'd look up and listen intently.

"And they're off!" Remus called throughout the pitch. Athena turned to look at him. He looked the same as usual but that was enough for Athena.

The players sped up into the air rapidly. Athena watched as they began passing the quaffle to one another, Dorcas ahead of the group flying like a bullet.

The girl passed to James who did an impressive spin before scoring a goal. It seemed his turn had distracted the keeper who stared at the empty hoop in disappointment.
Gryffindor cheered loudly, jumping to their feet and clapping. Athena would clap but then she'd have to take her hands out of her pockets which she didn't want to do.

"Get in James!" Sirius yelled heartily. He'd been getting back into the joy of quidditch recently. Since he got kicked off the team he'd been rather downhearted about the whole thing but deep down he was still obsessed with it.

The next round started with Hufflepuff. Athena didn't have any friends in Hufflepuff, they all seemed nice enough but the captain annoyed her. There was something about his smirk that made it seem as though he was in love with himself.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now