(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟕) assignments

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THE FIRST WEEK OF SIXTH YEAR HAD PASSED BY RATHER QUICKLY. Athena was enjoying herself a lot however this might have something to do with the newly introduced free periods that NEWT level students were allowed.

She'd experienced every lesson now but nothing had been as strange as her first defence against the dark arts lesson with Professor Preston (even divination). To be fair she'd had every other teacher before and it was safe to say Professor McGonagall hadn't changed at all especially when it came to handing out homework.

Despite having a more optimistic attitude towards the subject this year, she still wasn't enjoying divination. Maybe this was because they hadn't used crystal balls yet, she'd been able to hack them but she still could only see sludge at the bottom of her tea cup.

What made this lesson all the more boring was the fact that none of her friends took it, in fact barely anyone did (which wasn't entirely a surprise). Rena ended up sitting with Trelawney which wasn't the wisest of choices, she kept telling Athena that her life was going to end soon and badly.

Charms and Transfiguration were the same as always just harder. Athena had always found these subjects rather straight forward however along with NEWT level came the idea of non verbal magic which was something Athena couldn't get her head around.

She felt rather annoyed that the prophecy had claimed her to have extraordinary magical talents never seen before. Athena wished these talents would show themselves some time soon, preferably in a transfiguration lesson if she was making requests.

The girl hadn't yet had another meeting with Dumbledore nor had she told anyone about them. Athena only felt comfortable talking to her sister about it and unfortunately Aurora wasn't at the school this year.

Her and Aurora had made plans to meet up in Hogsmede whenever possible however Athena got the lingering idea that Rory was going to very busy this year working and wot not.

Athena couldn't deny that she was intrigued, of course she wanted to know what is was that Dumbledore was going to teach her. In fact Athena felt honoured that it was Dumbledore training her in the first place, after all everyone said he was the greatest wizard of all time.

However at the moment Athena's life was just normal and she couldn't complain about that. She'd pay amazing amounts of money to see her whole life be completely normal mainly because she knew it was going to be anything other than that.

James had held the quidditch tryouts on the first Saturday back. He was extremely keen to build his team back up as fast as possible. After all he wanted to keep his winning streak as captain.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now