(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟏) summer '76

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THE SUN BASKED OVER ATHENA AS SHE LAY HER HEAD BACK INTO GRASS. It felt good against her skin as she lay out in the garden. She could hear her parents talking from the kitchen, they didn't know she was there. The girl was shielded by a bush next to the window however the sun was still hitting her perfectly.

One week of summer had passed now. Athena had spent the most of it lounging around and drawing pictures in her sketch book. She'd been halfway through drawing a detailed picture of Dorcas and Marlene to give to Dorcas for her birthday when she saw the sun come out behind a cloud.

Having not wanted to waste this opportunity, the girl had left what she was doing on her bed and hurried outside. The clouds were a friendly fluffy white today. They kept clashing with the sun, Athena could feel the shadows on her face as her eyes remained closed.

Part of her felt as though she could just fall asleep right here, the grass was soft as a blanket having been growing over the past fortnight. Her palms faced the sun as she let the rays glaze over her skin.

This was bliss, part of her had been worried that summer would go on forever or would feel boring however she was only a week in and already wanted these sun filled days to last forever.

The house had been rather quiet this week as Aurora was out every day at the ministry training to be a teacher. Apparently it was going rather well, a lot of it was just to do with safe guarding and how to correctly work with kids which was something Rena was sure Aurora would excel at. After all Rory was good at everything.

Rory's absence meant that a lot of the time, Athena had the house to herself. Her dad worked long shifts at the ministry and her mother was a healer meaning that they worked during the day. Of course they were in at the moment, Mary didn't work Fridays and Henry had apperated home for his lunch break.

Athena didn't mind them being around but there was something amazing about having the entire house to herself. She'd played records on the player at full blast as she danced around the kitchen using a wooden spoon as a microphone.

She'd been trying to fill her days with activities such as baking or painting however turns out she wasn't very good at either. Painting had been alright but she much preferred the precision and control gifted with sketching. As for baking, Athena had believed she could make a cake without a recipe which had not gone well at all.

Needless to say that by the end of the first week, she'd dropped all of these activities and taken to lying in the garden whenever the opportunity came to her. So far the English summer had been oddly pleasant considering they were usually filled with dull skies and rain showers.

Athena lived in a nice peaceful village. It wasn't too crowed and she didn't see many people out an about. The town was mainly a wizarding town however it was near a muggle village which was apparently the reason why Henry insisted on doing most things the muggle way.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now