(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟗) alice and frank

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ALICE AND FRANK GOT MARRIED IN OCTOBER. Athena had been made bridesmaid which was something she hadn't expected. She loved Alice a lot, hanging around with her was like a breath of fresh air and if it hadn't been for the bubbly brunette Athena would have found the order meetings in sixth year a lot more worrisome.

Alice and Frank were an incredibly adorable couple. They bounced well off each other and yet again planted the idea of soulmates into Athena's mind. They'd met at Hogwarts. Frank had been in the year above and when Alice fell behind slightly in transfigurations, McGonagall had asked Frank to help.

After that the two Gryffindor's fell for one another. Alice supported his quidditch obsession and Frank would let Alice give him as many book recommendations as she could.

They'd joined the order together, Alice had only been allowed to join in her seventh year because of Frank. She'd told Dumbledore that she'd basically be a part of it anyway when Frank told her everything.

Frank had bought an apartment after he'd left school, it was located in the outskirts of London and Athena had visited a few times (most notably the time where she'd had an anxiety attack). Alice had moved in as soon as the Hogwarts year was done, it made a change from living in the cramped room above Foretscue's ice cream parlour and she decided this was a new start for her.

Things weren't always perfect. Franks anxiety was even worse than Athena's, sometimes he wouldn't leave the house because of this. Alice did a lot of the talking when they went out together which was fine with her. Frank was able to open up to people he knew, he and Athena weren't as close as Alice and Athena but they were still friends.

Frank's quiet nature was the reason for their subtle wedding. Alice didn't mind, she'd do anything to make him happy. Alice had officially asked Athena to be a bridesmaid in August and of course she'd said yes.

Alice had three other bridesmaids and one maid of honour. Athena didn't really know these girls but she talked to them nonetheless as the group of them got ready.

The couple had gone all out with the autumnal theme. It was a good job that the weather had been nice as they'd decided to have a woodland wedding. Surrounded by the rustic leaves and the chattering of birds, Athena loved the idea.

Alice's dress wasn't long, it didn't trail over the floor (which was good as it if had done it would probably get slightly muddy). It had white flower detail over a very pale pink colour. So pale that it basically looked white.

Her hair couldn't necessarily be styled since it was so short but she had more white flowers dangling from her ears and shimmer over her skin. Alice's smile stayed on while they got ready, in fact it stayed on the entire day. Athena wasn't sure whether she'd ever seen Alice not smiling.

The bridesmaids dresses mirrored the colours of the leaves and were a burnt orange. Athena tied her hair back messily with some falling out at the front. Alice didn't want anything to look too formal, Athena knew this matched her well.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now