(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟑𝟏) the prank

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IT SEEMED THAT THE LACK OF SLEEP THAT ATHENA HAD BEEN RECEIVING DUE TO EXAMS WAS FINALLY CATCHING UP TO HER. By the time she woke up on Saturday it was seven in the evening. The girl even shocked herself, she'd never slept for that long before and in doing so she found herself more tired than ever.

She was also incredibly hungry but judging by the time she would have already missed the feast. There was a faint tapping on the window which the girl knew to meant an owl was here. Rena pulled back the hangings to see that the dorm was completely empty except for herself.

Loki was sitting by the window ruffling his feathers in the fading sunlight, around his ankle a small package was tied. It was a parcel wrapped in a pristine silken handkerchief. Athena opened the window and allowed the owl a couple of peanuts before he flew off again.

Saw you weren't at the feast,
Hope you're ok
Rory x

Athena opened the package to see a bunch of pastries both sweet and savoury, she made a mental note to never take her sister for granted as she sat back on her bed and began to eat them.

She'd been dreaming about her vision. Athena could see it clearly now but she still struggled to figure out when it was going to occur. By now she was sure that she was seeing Snape and Kennedy figuring out that Remus was a werewolf, but how they'd done that she didn't understand.

After taking a bite out of one of the pastries she tried to think into it more. Snape already knew, he must do. After all he made several references to it the other month before the fight had occurred. He'd looked at Remus after saying 'lone wolf' and suggested the boy would be desperate for a fight.

If that was the case then surely he wouldn't be stupid enough to go looking for Remus. Snape was a git but no one could deny his intelligence. No one in a sane mindset would willingly hunt out a werewolf.

Kennedy had taken her bat with her, this was strange to Rena. If Kenny knew that Remus was a wolf she wouldn't go down there with the intent of hurting him. Many people would assume Kennedy would beat someone up easily but so far she never had.

Therefore maybe they didn't know that there was a wolf down there, maybe they just knew that something was going on. After all that would explain the look of shock on Snape's face once he'd come face to face with Remus.

The main question swimming in Athena's mind was who stopped Kennedy from hitting Remus. Surely a teacher, they must have followed the pair down from the castle. It couldn't have been a marauder as they were all in animal form and the only other people who knew were the teachers.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now