(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟗) the forbidden forest

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"Ignore him Rena" Lily muttered as she shot Potter a deathly glance,

"What's going on?" Athena asked in curiosity as she turned back to Sirius and James who both had a mischievous glint in their eyes.

The table seemed emptier today for two reasons. One of these being that Marlene wasn't feeling well, she'd been to the hospital wing however Madame Pomfrey had advised her just to stay in bed for a couple of days to sleep off whatever illness she'd picked up as the cure the matron had given her wasn't 100% effective.

The second reason was that Remus had gone home to see his mother like he did every month. Athena was used to this by now. He'd leave the school every month for around three days and then he would come back looking tired and upset. No one asked too many questions, they just understood that he wanted to go through this alone even if that was difficult for him.

Remus always loved dealing with his problems on his own because he didn't want to seem like a burden. Of course no one would ever think of him as a burden, everyone loved him a lot and they would all (especially Athena) do anything for him but the boy didn't see it that way.

"We have a great idea" James smirked as he turned to Athena,

"It's a horrible idea" Lily scoffed, "isn't it Mary?"

The petite brunette looked up rather unexpectedly, she looked a bit lost without her tall shy counterpart.

"Yes it's a horrible idea" Mary agreed causing Lily to raise her eyebrows in a 'I told you so' way.

"We'll let Athena be the judge of that" Sirius barked as the girl turned back towards him.

"So we have a great idea" James continued, "we're going to prank the Slytherins"

"Again?" Athena frowned, "don't you ever get bored of that"

"Not when Avery, Mulciber and Snape are involved" James shook is head.

"And Vulpes" Sirius added,

"I thought we agreed to leave Kennedy out of this" James turned to his friend,

"You agreed that... though I guess Rena won't help if Kennedy's involved" he pondered.

"I'm right here" Athena laughed, "and no I'm not pranking Kennedy"

"But what about the other three shit heads?" James asked causing Lily to scoff from behind Rena.

"Yeah what's the plan" Athena beamed causing James and Sirius to enthusiastically high five each other,

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now