(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟏𝟖) the break in

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BREAKING INTO THE MINISTRY WAS NOT A GOOD IDEA however it was the only plausible way to stop Voldemort from getting his hands on the prophecy which would apparently be catastrophic. Of course there was the idea of telling the ministry that there were plans to get break it may work however the minister of magic was completely useless in this war and liked to often deny its entire existence.

Therefore the order were taking matters into their own hands like they always did. This required a group of people to go to the ministry. Of course Athena was involved, after Kennedy she'd been the first to volunteer.

Lily and Alice had immediately been ruled out based on the fact that in four months they'd be giving birth (which also just seemed completely crazy). In the end the group consisted of Athena, Kennedy, Sirius, James, Remus, Marlene, Dorcas, Frank and the Prewett twins which they presumed should be enough people.

Dumbledore would be joining too Athena suspected he was hoping to face Voldemort himself. Peter hadn't declined going but he hadn't volunteered either and in the end it was assumed that he wouldn't necessarily be needed.

The plan was simple, walk into the ministry. Athena was contemplating asking why it was so easy to break into the ministry and whether someone should do something about that but she ended up staying quiet purely because she was sure nothing would come of her words.

Kennedy hadn't heard any more of her parents conversation and Athena was sure that some people in the order still weren't sure whether they could trust her. This pissed Athena off as Kennedy had proved her allegiance to them a long time ago.

However the people who mattered trusted her, that's what Athena said anyway. They knew the date that Voldemort was going to break in which happened to be the following Tuesday after the meeting.

Athena was glad that it came so soon after as she definitely didn't want to be lying awake worrying about this constantly like she always did. Remus didn't seem so sure that this mission was going to work nor did he seem keen on Athena facing off against death eaters.

Athena knew this his overprotection was fruitless and entirely based on the fact that Athena had been captured nearly two years ago. However Athena had powers that none of her friends could even dream of. For one she was immortal (at least for the time being) so there wasn't really much to worry about.

However Athena was worried about everyone else. Her abilities may help her to defend herself but she hadn't yet figured out how to use them to help her friends unless of course she simply jumped in front of them whenever she needed to. To be fair, that could work.

They had to wait til nightfall on Tuesday knowing that Voldemort wouldn't try and break in during the day. Everyone went home at night, unfortunately the ministry wasn't properly shut off, at least not from the visitors entrance.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now