(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟏𝟎) a very potter christmas

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THE CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS AT HOGWARTS WERE BEAUTIFUL however Athena ,nor any of her friends, would be staying there. Nevertheless she appreciated the tall Christmas trees decorated in golden decorations that glistened in the light from the makeshift sky ceiling.

Usually at Christmas, Athena would go home with her sister and spend the holidays with her family however this year she'd accepted the invitation to spend the first few days at the Potter household. Her parents had been disappointed but glad that they'd at least get to see her at some point.

The Potters were a wealthy family, everyone knew that. They had an incredibly large house that Athena had only visited a few times. He'd asked the entire group over (suggested by his parents) as they were throwing their usual large Christmas party that would spread from Christmas Eve into the day itself.

Athena usually loved the holidays anyway, however she was even more thrilled that she'd be able to spend it with her friends this year. Don't get her wrong, Athena enjoyed spending Christmas with her family however sometimes hanging out with her friends was just more fun especially for a fifteen year old.

She'd successfully packed her bag and was now making her way to the Gryffindor common room to meet her friends so they could walk down to Hogsmede station together.

Athena gazed out one of the windows to see that it was in fact snowing. She stopped with a smile and stared out of one of the large windows lining the corridors.

Snow was beautiful ,despite being cold, she loved the way it swirled around as it fell. She especially loved how it looked when you gazed at the sky. Almost like a thousand diamonds descending from the heavens.

Athena smiled to herself once more before she continued her way towards the portrait.

"Fortuna Major" She told Elizabeth who swung aside as usual.

"I told you I had a detention in the forest how many times do I have to point out that you were the idiot"

Athena raised her eyebrows upon seeing Sirius yelling at James. Usually they never argued, they always seemed to coincide with each other perfectly.

"Shut up" James hissed upon seeing Athena walk through the entrance, bag in hand.

"Sorry did I walk in on something?" She asked with an unsure smile,

"No course not" Sirius jumped up immediately and moved over to Athena placing a small kiss on her cheek.

"You all ready to go?" She asked. James was determinedly staring at the fire, Peter was looking between the boys in concern and Remus was looking more tired than ever.

"Just waiting on the girls" Sirius replied, "I would go tell them to hurry up but the stupid stairs turn into a slide"

"As they should" Athena added with a smile,

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now