(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟏𝟐) rory and rena

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"AND THEN I GOT THESE FROM MY OLDEST SISTER" Dorcas continued as she held up a pair of knee high boots decorated in pink flowers,

"They're incredible" Lily gasped as she ran her touch over the heel, "god I'd break my ankles wearing something like that".

They were back at Hogwarts now, it was early January and the group had been reunited the week previous. The rest of the Christmas holidays had been ok, Athena had received more presents from her parents and sister including new jumpers, new books, new pencils and her favourite being a new pair of muted leather boots that reminded her of the ones Remus always wore.

"You'd look great in—" Dorcas paused as she rushed over to her dresser that had shoes collected around it, "these!"

She held up a gorgeous pair of white 60's era boots that were some of the girls favourite,

"I'm not so sure about that" Lily laughed as she turned them over in her grasp.

"If James saw you wearing them, he'd go crazy" Marlene laughed, "like his head would actually explode"

Lily laughed but everyone could tell that the mention of James made her stiffen up slightly.

Athena knew that Lily didn't particularly see eye to eye with the boy and what made it worse was how many times people went on and on about them being a good couple.
Sure it wouldn't take a genius to see that they would actually go well together if James didn't act like a child half the time but in Lily's eyes it was a match made in hell.

"I say you wear them" Mary smiled, "next Gryffindor party"

"I'm not so sure" Lily laughed, "I think I'll stick to my own...boring shoes"

"I never said they were boring" Dorcas sighed with laughter, "I just said they could be a bit more spicy"

"Rena where are you going?" Marlene asked as the girl gathered herself to her feet,

"Hogsmede" she replied as she looked gingerly down at the new watch her sister had gifted her,

"Give us five minutes and we'll be ready" Marlene replied gaining a perplexed look from Dorcas who would definitely take more than five minutes to get ready.

"I promised I'd meet Aurora" the girl explained. Usually she would spend Hogsmede trips with her friends however ever once in a while Athena and Aurora would go down together for some 'sister bonding time'.

"You just saw her" Lily frowned.

"Yeah but we didn't really get an opportunity to catch up" Athena explained as she pulled on her oversized denim jacket, "we have a few cousins so we were mostly around them"

"Fair enough" Marlene shrugged, "have fun then"

"Thanks" Athena smiled to the girls as she left their Gryffindor dorm. It was rather early on Saturday morning and Athena had only come up her by request so that the girls could show what they'd gotten for Christmas.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now