(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟑𝟏) sorrowful goodbye

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ATHENA AND REMUS STEPPED BACK INTO THE COMMON ROOM to hear music blaring and see people dancing.

"It seems we missed the start of the party" Remus mused, "what a shame"

"Oh yeah definitely" Athena laughed, "it's not as though we were doing anything important"

"There you two are!" Marlene called as she walked over, "where the hell have you been?"

"Astronomy tower" Athena answered simply, "talking"

"Talking?" Marlene frowned, "why did you have to go all the way to the astronomy tower to talk?"

"Long story" Remus shrugged. Marlene frowned as her gaze between the two of them switched as though her eyes were glitching. Then all of a sudden she gasped loudly.

"Oh my god" she gawped, "you two?"

"Shut up Marls" Athena muttered, "it's not a big deal"

"Of course it's a big deal, "I have to tell Dorcas... we've been waiting for this"
She ran off and Remus turned to Athena was a bemused expression on his face.

"So she knew?" He asked casually,

"Remus I'm not going to lie" Athena began, "everyone knew"

"All of them?" Remus frowned, "you told everyone except me?"

"No" Athena laughed, "James and Sirius figured out the patronus thing... and I clarified it later and the girls tricked me"

"They tricked you?" Remus frowned,

"They asked me what I smelt in amortentia before I knew what it meant"

"And you smelt me?" Remus smirked,

"Of course I smelt you, bloody idiot" she rolled her eyes,

"Guess that's our secret gone" Remus laughed as he saw Dorcas pacing over.

"Was it ever going to be a secret?" Athena laughed, "let's be honest"

"Probably not" Remus shrugged, "I'd be happy with everyone knowing"

"Me too" Athena smiled as they walked further into the party.

By the end of the night all of the group knew, Athena didn't care in fact she was proud about it. She'd managed to gather the confidence to ask out the guy she'd loved for the longest time and it had actually gone extremely well.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now