(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟏𝟑) kill the wolf

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REMUS WAS BROKEN. He couldn't sit in his thoughts, he always had to be doing something. Athena felt bad for being even more grateful to get out the house to avoid the boys constant cleaning.

She'd witnessed him crumble a few times and had nearly always been there to dart forwards and wrap her arms around him. Literally giving him a shoulder to cry on.

He'd broken down the most on New Year's Eve after he'd broken the strings on his bass guitar by playing too harshly. He hadn't meant to and wouldn't stop crying for about ten minutes even after Athena had repaired them with a simple spell.

Everyday he would go to the hospital to see Hope. Athena went whenever she could but sometimes she either wasn't able to or didn't want to. Rena wasn't trying to be insensitive but she often felt as though Remus needed to be with his father and brother (even if he resented his sibling more than anyone else).

Athena and Remus hadn't attended the Potter's New Years party. Their friends had understood and sent letters, flowers and chocolates telling Remus that they were always there for him through everything and that he could always turn to them in need. Remus appreciated this (especially the chocolates).

Athena hadn't been upset about missing the party. They did it every year and to be honest, she wasn't holding high hopes for the eighties. She doubted they could live up to the good times she'd experienced throughout the seventies.

The house was spotless which was one perk of all this. However Athena knew that he must be exhausted, night was when he couldn't distract himself anymore. Athena knew that he was lying awake because she was too. Of course she was used to sleepless nights but she knew that Remus was not.

His skin was getting paler, hair messier and the bags under his eyes were so dark that sometimes he bore the look of someone with a black eye. Athena knew that his mind was whirling when he lay awake, he was wondering how long his mother had left, whether he'd already seen her for the last time. Athena knew what he was thinking because she was thinking exactly the same thing.

Remus would spend as much time at the hospital as he possibly could. He would do anything for his mother, anything in the world. Of course there wasn't much that he could do but he tried his best.

When Athena had been there she'd witnessed him showing her how he could play the bass, reading books since she was barely strong enough to hold her own and even singing with her. Anything to take their minds off the truth. Hope Lupin was going to die.

Athena couldn't help but think that 1980 was already looking rather sour. She hadn't expected to go onto the eighties in happiness, not with everything going on. However Athena definitely hadn't expected this and she doubted that Remus had either.

It wasn't as though Hope was very old. She was only in her fifties yet lying in her hospital bed she looked a lot more aged. Athena supposed that illness did that to a person.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now