(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟏𝟔) she's gone

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ATHENA LAY WITH HER HEAD IN REMUS' LAP, a book held up in front of her eyes. Her arms were getting tired as gravity played its course however she was too comfortable and too intrigued by the writings of the book to place it down.

This specific book was about legellimency, something Athena had been interested in ever since she mastered occlumency. Athena had always told herself that one day she would learn it however with everything else going on this had been placed to the back of her mind.

However the other day as she had been scouring the library looking for something new to read having mastered the basics of sign language, she'd stumbled upon it. Immediately it had sparked something inside her, some longing that had been suppressed over the last few years.

She'd told herself that there was more important things to be doing, yet this could help her in the future. The ability to break into someone's mind was both unnerving and exciting. Of course she didn't like this gift to be used against her but she supposed it was different when this power was at her hands.

The early morning sun was pouring through the glass windows, Remus was half asleep. He was only up so early so he could get to the hospital as soon as possible. There was a nearly empty cup of coffee in his hand which had done nothing to rid him of exhaustion.

Athena wasn't surprised by this, he hadn't been sleeping well at all. She'd heard his restless turns, his quiet cries. So many times, Athena wanted to let him know that she was there that she was awake too yet she knew the only reason why he had allowed himself to break was because he knew that she wouldn't see.

"What are you reading again?" Remus mumbled, trying to read the title on the cover from where Athena had it raised under his chin,

"It's the first novel in an informative series about legellimency, what it is and how to learn it"

"That's like mind reading isn't it?" Remus asked,

"Yeah, kind of"

"Don't read my mind will you" he muttered in a bleak response,

"Wouldn't dream of it" Athena replied knowing that in fact she had dreamt about it many times. Silence fell again as Athena turned a page and began to realise how much more difficult this was in comparison to occlumency, then again she had been taught occlumency by Dumbledore which she supposed had made it easier.

"When is Dumbledore going to talk about the prophecy to the order?" Remus asked, "didn't you say he knew more than he was letting on"

"He always knows more than he's letting on" Athena nodded, "I thought he'd mention it yesterday but maybe he's still figuring it out"

"What do you think it means?"

"I know what it means that's not the problem, it's who it means"

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now