(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟐𝟖) the whispered hope

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ATHENA JUMPED TO HER FEET IN AN INSTANT, heart pounding and hands shaking. She was sure that this wasn't her mind playing tricks on her, this had not been a figment of her imagination. The voice had been so close to her, as though it had travelled through the golden locket itself.

Remus needed her, he was in danger and she had absolutely no idea what to do. She hadn't expected this, Athena had been under the false pretence that he'd simply walk back through the door with a smile. She'd been panicking that he'd be hurt, killed even but living in fake hope had been easier for the past few days when everything seemed so cold.

"Where are you?" Athena whispered, keeping her hand wrapped around the locket. The heartbeat was still going but not in its regular pattern. He was scared or running or both. There was something going on and Athena had to help, he'd asked for her. She knew he had.

However her small and hopeless whisper did nothing and she was still alone standing in her living room with no way of getting to him. Dumbledore hadn't told Athena where Remus had actually gone. He said that he had found a hideout for the wolves however she didn't know where that was.

Even if Athena did know the exact location she didn't exactly want to show up there on her own. She didn't much fancy facing off against a dozen werewolves only a few nights before the full moon. She knew from experience that werewolves often got more aggressive a few nights before the moon.

If Remus was in danger, Athena would do anything. She already knew that, it's not as though she could die. She began pacing, wondering whether anyone else would be able to provide any consolidation for her. However Athena feared that if she went to someone else they would simply tell her that she had been imagining it.

Maybe Athena would have told herself this if she hadn't heard the whisper so clearly. After all she had been imagining that Remus was beside her all the time, opening her eyes and expecting him to be laying before her. She worried that her friends would probably feed off this and suggest that since Athena was missing him so much, this was her minds way of coping.

It also didn't make much sense. How was Athena able to hear him? Of course the locket was connected to Remus yet nothing like this had ever happened before. She wondered whether it was connected to her legellimency or whether this was purely the power of the locket.

As Athena stared at the locket sitting in the palm of her hand she had an idea. A spark of genius or idiocy. It came to her mind unexpected however when she thought about it, something told her that this could work, that this was what she had to do.

Removing the enchantments from around the house, Athena held tighter to the locket than she ever had before. Then, with no clear location in her mind. Athena turned on her heel and descended into darkness.

There were so many ways that this could go wrong. Athena could very easily splinch herself or simply end up lost without the ability to get herself home. The heartbeat in the locket acted as her compass yet she was jumping into the darkness with no clue where she was going to end up, she could find herself surrounded by dangerous wolves all of a second.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now