(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟏𝟗) by the lake

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SCHOOL STARTED AGAIN ON JANUARY 6TH. Athena felt like she'd had enough time off but could have done with more break from lessons. Free periods were now swamped with work given by every teacher basically every lesson.

The only subject that Athena felt she wasn't falling behind in was astronomy and she began to envy the people who only took three or four subjects. The girl wished that she hadn't taken divination although she was sure that it was important for her mission.

She'd tried not to think about the prophecy at all during the holidays. Every time she did she was spiked with fear and ended up thinking thoughts that she'd never be able to have a normal life. However being back at Hogwarts was a constant reminded of who she was and what she had to do.

People acted as though there hadn't been anytime off. Teachers didn't gently let students back into lessons but instead gave them an avalanche of work on the first week which left Athena spending her entire weekend in the library just to get it done.

James was back to setting training for quidditch as regular as clockwork. No one complained except Dorcas who told Athena that the training sessions weren't helping at all. Apparently a lot of the time James got too passionate about it to play properly.

Athena found Kennedy sitting out by the lake early second week. They didn't even arrange to meet there anymore it just so happened that they often found each other there and went with it.

Kennedy had spent Christmas at Hogwarts this year as an attempt to escape from her families cruel words and beliefs. She was an only child and therefore didn't have any siblings to bother her at school or try to drag her home.

Athena thought she looked better than she had done before the holidays. There was more life in her pale skin and blue eyes which were back to being coated in black eyeliner. As well as that she had her baseball bat back in her grasp and was swirling it around between her fingers when Athena approached.

"Good holiday?" Athena asked as she sat down on the grass which was annoyingly slightly damp. Kennedy didn't seem to care and Athena tried not to notice as she looked at her friend.

"Good as can be expected" the brunette replied, "got a howler from my parents about not coming home, that wasn't fun"

"Howlers strike fear in me" Athena smiled lightly, "personally I've never had one"

"Lucky you" Kennedy laughed, "it's because your parents don't hate you"

Silence fell over the two of them for a moment as Athena pondered the right way to reply to that.

"How was your holiday?" Kennedy asked much to Athena's relief,

"Good" she nodded, "Remus spent Christmas with us and then James threw a New Years party"

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now