(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟐𝟑) the hufflepuff cup

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THE SIX OF THEM ARRIVED BACK at the Potter household the next day. Athena was almost completely exhausted from the previous nights exertions however Remus was ten times worse.

She understood what he was going through, although she'd been hit with the curse so much that by the end it wasn't as much as a shock, she remembered the initial reaction.

He pretended to be completely fine but Athena could see otherwise. Remus lay awake in his bed that night, Athena was awake too and could tell by his light breathing that he was staring at the ceiling reminiscing on the pain that he had felt.

Remus had been right when he'd said he was used to pain however this was still a new experience. Werewolf transformations were excruciating but the next day only left some aches whereas the cruciartus curse left the brain confused even if only placed on for a short time.

Nevertheless, they arrived at James' house in high spirits. Even if Dacre had gotten away, they'd succeeded in finding out what Voldemort had wanted in Paris and they'd brought it back.

Athena loved the idea that Dacre had failed in retrieving it. She knew that Voldemort would be enraged by this even if she had no idea what he needed the cup for.

As she landed in the grate of the Potter living room, she was immediately welcomed into the kitchen by Euphemia Potter who fussed over her, asking if she wanted something to eat or drink.

James send his stag patronus off to call the order knowing that this return called for an emergency order meeting. Athena looked warily to Remus, wondering whether some time off would have been much needed before they jumped into this.

Marlene kept a hand on the briefcase, Athena wondered if she'd ever let it go throughout the night. It seemed like her hand was glued to it. Dorcas had Dacre's wand and observed it with a disgusted expression. Athena felt the same, she'd seen what that wand had done and she was sure that wasn't the worst of it.

A cup of tea was placed in front of Athena and she smiled gratefully at Euphemia. The tea tasted absolutely incredible with just the right amount of milk and sugar. It warmed her up as the group plus the Potter parents sat around the large wooden table waiting.

"Where are you lot!" A loud shout came. James jumped up in excitement and was the first to greet Sirius in open arms as he came running into the kitchen.

"I've bloody missed you Padfoot" James laughed, "I wish you could have come"

"We took loads of photos" Marlene smiled,

"I'm sure we'll all go on holiday after this pissing war" Sirius laughed. Athena got to her feet and nestled her head in Sirius' shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Well while you've been on vacation I've invented about ten new drinking games" Sirius laughed, "so next time we have a celebration be prepared"

"Can't wait" Lily said dryly.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now