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After watching the fireworks once the clock hit midnight, Jungkook took Jimin by the hand to lead him back to their hotel room so he could give him his present.

"Jiminie, come sit in the living room when you're done getting dressed." Jungkook called from outside the bedroom. The younger was eager to get his pajamas on and go to bed already.

He exited and slowly ambled over to the couch, sitting down tiredly. He yawned quietly, Jungkook awing softly at how cute it was.

He held up the gift bag, Jimin giving him a confused look. "What's this?" He whispered. "It's for you, baby." Jungkook grinned, handing the bag over to Jimin.

Jimin slowly removed the gift bag tissue, pulling out the long velvet box containing the necklace he'd wanted so badly.

He opened the box, eyes widening as they scanned over the pretty pink diamond necklace. "Jungkook you didn't..." The boy breathed out.

"It was the last one they had. I wanted to surprise you." Jungkook smiled in satisfaction at Jimin's reaction. "Oh my gosh, I love you so much." Jimin reached over and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you." He whispered. "I love you too, baby. And you're welcome. If there's anything else you want, tell me. I'll get it for you." The man offered.

"These are also mine too?" Jimin asked as he took a few more boxes out. "Yes, I lied about getting stuff for myself." He chuckled. "Aww, these are all so nice, thank you." Jimin smiled as he observed the earrings and bracelet Jungkook had bought for him too.

They headed back to their bedroom after a little bit to lay down, Jungkook sitting against the headboard and switching on the tv. "It's so late, you don't wanna go to sleep now?" Jimin wondered.

"Nah, I'm not tired yet. I won't be up past two." Jungkook responded. He laid his head upon Jungkook's lap, the older gently stroking his face.

"I've never met your parents." Jimin realized. "Do they even really know we're together. Like, we're getting married and we're having a kid?" Jimin wondered.

"Um, I mean my dad knows we're together and expecting a kid. He doesn't know we're getting married yet." Jungkook began. "Him and my mother aren't together, so I haven't spoken to her in years. We weren't on good terms when she left my dad." He nodded sadly.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Jimin looked up at him. "I've actually been contemplating on calling her to let her know. Maybe go visit her." He admitted.

"Does your dad even...like me?" Jimin was very curious to know. "It's complicated. He wasn't to fond of the idea of me dating because he wanted me to be focused on the company and stuff. But when he found out that, you know, we're expecting a kid, he wasn't really happy about that either." Jungkook explained.

"I don't think he hates you, but, he doesn't necessarily like you either." He concluded. "He hasn't even met me." Jimin pouted. "I know, but he thinks you're like a distraction. You're not though, which really irritates me that he thinks that." Jungkook frowned slightly.

"Well, I still wanna meet your parents. It'd be kinda weird if they just never met me at all." Jimin suggested. "Yeah, we can plan some things if you want. I think I'll let you meet my dad first, just to get things over with." Jungkook nodded.

"Yeah." Jimin agreed. They kept quiet for a while, Jimin peering back up at Jungkook. He was just staring at the tv, but didn't seem to be paying attention at the same time. "You okay?" Jimin asked.

"I don't know, I just..." Jungkook closed his eyes and let out a sigh. "...really hate myself, a lot." He murmured, clearly about to start crying. "Jungkook~" Jimin pouted as he slowly sat up.

"Why?" Jimin asked. "I hurt your feelings badly three times in a year, Jimin. I'm scared I'm gonna do something to hurt your feelings again but I'll end up losing you too, and I can't because I love you too much to lose you." A couple of tears fell as he ranted.

"It's a new year, Jungkook. I know we've been through so much, but we can put all those bad things behind us, okay? Start new." Jimin nodded, wrapping his arms around Jungkook to hug him.

Jungkook gladly hugged him back, Jimin resting his head on his shoulder. "I love you so much, m'kay?" Jimin whispered his ear. "I love you too, Jimin. I always will." Jungkook whispered back.

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