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Almost two weeks went by and today was Jimin's birthday, a day Jungkook had been impatiently waiting for because of course he'd make it special for him.

Sadly, Jimin wasn't granted the day off from work at the café so he had to work until 3:00 p.m., then Jungkook would take him out for a little date.

He woke up that morning to little kisses being placed around his face, giggling softly as Jungkook pressed one final kiss upon his lips.

"Happy birthday, baby." He whispered softly. "Thank you." Jimin whispered back. "You sleep okay?" Jungkook asked as he sat up. "Yeah." Jimin nodded.

"It's just...I don't feel so great right now." Jimin felt the nausea starting to kick in because of morning sickness. "Do you want some of your medication?" Jungkook offered.

"If I try and swallow a pill right now, I'm going to throw up." Jimin laughed nervously. "Oh, okay. I'm sorry." Jungkook said.

"Well, try and go to sleep for a little longer, you don't have to be at work until ten, right?" Jungkook said and Jimin nodded. It's was 8:00 a.m.

Jimin closed his eyes, focusing on trying not to throw up because that would ruin his mood for a majority of the day.

Jungkook placed his hand on Jimin's tummy and rubbed it gently. "Is that helping at all?" He asked. "Actually yeah, it is." Jimin laughed softly, so Jungkook continued to do that until the boy said he was feeling better.

He sat up slowly, sighing as Jungkook moved closer beside him. He cupped Jimin's squishy cheeks, leaning in and kissing his lips gently.

"I'm excited to take you out today." Jungkook smiled. "Where are we going?" Jimin wondered.

"Well, after you get off of work, I was thinking we could go on a small walk at the park, then we could go to the mall for a little bit to do some baby shopping, and then we could go out to dinner later on at night. How's that sound?" Jungkook gave a run down.

"That sounds nice." Jimin smiled. "Great." Jungkook hummed.


After Jimin got ready for work, he went downstairs into the kitchen where Jungkook had made breakfast, strawberry muffins.

"Your favorite color is pink, right?" Jungkook asked. "Yeah, why?" Jimin mumbled as he ate his muffin. "Just making sure." Jungkook responded.

"Is it for my present?" Jimin grinned. "Maybe." Jungkook smirked as he booped the tip of Jimin's nose.

"You're such a cutie." Jungkook smiled contently as he sat beside Jimin, reaching over and holding his hand. "I don't know where I'd be without you." He spoke lovingly, a blush creeping onto Jimin's cheeks.

"And I love you, so, so much." Jungkook continued, his thumb gently stroking Jimin's little hand. "Are you okay, Jungkook?" Jimin asked. "I'm doing just fine." Jungkook responded.

"I don't know, you're getting all sentimental for no reason." Jimin laughed. "I'm fine, I promise." Jungkook laughed too.

"You look pretty today." Jungkook complimented. "Aw, thank you." Jimin chirped. The boy dressed in a pastel pink and blue striped sweater with a pair of overalls, his hair slightly curled and his face was blanketed with a light layer of soft makeup.

"I figured you'd like this outfit." Jimin bubbled. "I do, you look adorable." Jungkook smiled.

"You want me to drop you off at work? I'll come pick you up when your done so we can go to the park." Jungkook suggested. "Yeah, let me go grab my things." Jimin answered as he stood up to leave the kitchen.

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