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The sun had completely set by now, replaced by the cool glow of the moon in the clear night sky. The two were headed to do one last thing before they headed home for the night, however Jimin stopped them on the way because of the sweet waft of apple cider and warm cinnamon sugar donuts being sold from a nearby stand, suddenly craving the fall favorite treat.

Jungkook didn't let go of his hand the entirety of the walk, only holding it tighter. It made Jimin's heart flutter as always because he loved when Jungkook would act on his clingy habits. It was cute.

If it wasn't obvious at this point, of course the man paid for their donuts and cider. Jungkook insisted he'd always pay because he could. He had the type of money to do that for Jimin and didn't mind at all because he just loved the boy that much.

"These are so good!" Jimin chirped excitedly as he reached in the bag to grab his second donut.

Jungkook couldn't help but laugh at how adorable the younger looked with his cheeks all puffed out due to the donut being stuffed in his mouth, gently caressing his face as he made Jimin look up at him.

"What?" Jimin mumbled, unable to get a clear word out because he didn't want to really talk with food in his mouth.

"You're so cute, I just can't handle it." Jungkook shook his head.

If Jimin could, he'd do anything it took to make Jungkook smile like this 24/7. He loved his husband's smile, how his eyes would turn into smiles themselves and disappear into little crescents and slightly wrinkle on the ends. Not to mention how endearing the older's smile was itself, very easy to be compared to a bunny.

He couldn't help but start laughing himself because of how contagious Jungkook's laughter was, the two standing there stupidly giggling over Jimin's chubby cheeks. It was moments like these the both of them wish never ended because they were both just so genuinely happy together.

Jimin managed to swallow all of the donut without choking as their laughter died down and the two simply just gazed into each other's eyes contently. Jungkook, without a hesitation, leaned in to connect their lips, switching the position to of his hands away from Jimin's face to his waist before pulling him closer to his body. The kiss was a perfect balance of chaste yet Jimin could feel a desirable longing for something more. Something he wouldn't be receiving until later that night.

The thought made his heart skip a beat, breaking away from Jungkook's lips breathlessly, however he only managed to get one or two breaths in before Jungkook kissed him once more, not a care on the world to the fact they were still standing in the middle of the walkway or that the park had a pretty generous crowd of people that night. It was like they were in their own little love bubble, and nothing was going to pop it as far as Jungkook was concerned. All he wanted was for Jimin to feel loved, that's all he truly wanted for him.

"J-Jungkook..." Jimin whispered against his lips shakily, their foreheads pressed together as they met eyes once again.

"Yeah?" Jungkook whispered back, simply pecking the boy's lips every few seconds.

"Nothing, I-I just..." Jimin could barely get the sentence out as his mind blanked, heart rapidly thudding against his chest. It felt as if he was catching feelings for the man for the first time again, only this time he was falling two times harder.

"Tell me, baby." Jungkook breathed out, Jimin completely leaning away from his face, looking back and forth between Jungkook's eyes.

"I think we should go h-home now. I know you wanted to do the paddle boats last but-"

"I could always take you back here, Jimin, the paddle boats could wait." Jungkook cut him off.

"Plus..." He paused, leaning close to Jimin's ear to whisper the last part of his sentence.

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