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Almost a week had passed and Jimin had moved in with Jungkook already.

Jungkook met Jimin's parents which went fairly well. They were just really happy he was staying around and actually cared about Jimin instead of leaving him.

But things weren't to greaat between the two themselves that past week...

Jimin was hanging out with Taehyung a lot, which anyone would do if they hadn't seen their friend in nearly four years, and Jungkook wasn't too fond of it.

He didn't straight up say it to Jimin, but Jimin was starting to tell Jungkook didn't like it and it was making him upset. The man would make a lot of backhanded statements about Taehyung and it was starting to tick Jimin off by the day.

Jimin was currently going to the mall to meet up with Taehyung. He hadn't told Jungkook where he was going because he didn't feel like hearing another shady statement about their friendship.

When Jimin arrived, he entered and made his way to the food court where he met up with Taehyung. They got their lunch from the same restaurant before finding a table to sit down and eat.

Jungkook ended up only spending half his day at work so he was obviously suspicious when he came home and Jimin wasn't there. He'd barely gotten to spend the week with him because he was always out with Taehyung.

Jungkook has a strong feeling that's exactly who the boy was with. He took his phone out of his pocket, checking to see if Jimin left his locations on. He did.

Jungkook clicked on it and it showed he was at the mall. Jungkook grabbed his car keys and left the house, not planning to actually confront Jimin, just to be sure something wasn't going on between them.

When he arrived at the mall, he kept a low profile, subtly hiding behind things as he snooped around trying to find Jimin.

He stopped at the food court and ended up spotting the two talking and laughing. Why couldn't he just tell me where he went? Jungkook thought as he frowned slightly.

He watched as they got up and threw their things away, walking off in the direction of the stores. Jungkook followed of course, entering the same store as them.

He didn't plan on running into them at all but the man became sidetracked. He was walking around and then...he was just standing in front of them.

"Oh, funny seeing you here." Jimin said, almost in a snarky tone. Jungkook rose a brow, wanting to just confront Jimin right there. "Yeah, funny." He bit the inside of his cheek to refrain from saying something he'd regret.

"Um, did you two wanna be alone or something?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook looked up at him and gave a menacing look, shoving his tongue against the inside of his cheek.

"Actually I was just leaving. I'll see you later Jimin." Jungkook let out before turning around and leaving the store. Jimin almost couldn't believe this was happening. Everything was going so perfectly with their relationship just last week...

After about another thirty minutes of looking around, Jimin decided he'd go home, saying goodbye to Taehyung as he left.

When Jimin arrived home, he walked upstairs to their bedroom where Jungkook was sitting at the desk, typing away at his computer. Jimin sauntered over and stood beside him, crossing his arms.

"What the hell is your problem?" Jimin asked. Jungkook stopped typing and looked up at him. "Nothing." Jungkook answered. "Then why do you get so angry every time I hang out with Taehyung?" Jimin questioned.

"Because I've barely gotten to spend time with you the entire week!" Jungkook snapped. He stopped up to walk away. "I haven't seen him in forever, if that was seriously such a problem for you, you could've said something earlier." Jimin said.

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