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"Jimin, wake up." Jungkook carefully nudged the smaller in his arms.

"Jimin?" He tried once more, gently caressing his face with a hand as his eyes started to flutter open.

"Happy birthday, baby." He smiled softly as they met eyes, leaning close to his face to peck the top of his nose.

"It's my birthday already?" Jimin giggled quietly as Jungkook started to shower his face with kisses.

"Yes, and you're old now." Jungkook smirked.

"I'm twenty-one, that's not old. You're like thirty." Jimin teased back.

"Woah, I'm barely twenty-seven. I was just messing with you." He defended.

"I was too." Jimin laughed once more. "What do you have planned for me?" He asked.

"Well, I know this seems boring but I wanted to take you to this park in Songdo. It's really nice and they do a few things during the fall there. We can drop Haneul off with Jin and Namjoon before we go. She'll stay the night with them. Then we can all go to the apple orchard tomorrow." Jungkook explained.

"Sounds nice." Jimin nodded, noticing that the man was just staring at him.

"What?" Jimin murmured.

"Nothing, you're just so pretty, baby." Jungkook complimented as he continued to stroke the younger's face gently with his thumb.

"Don't you get tired of calling me that?" Jimin asked.

"Never, because you really are." He grinned.

Jimin couldn't contain the smile on his face as he leaned in to kiss him, their lips moving together passionately as Jungkook climbed on top of him and grasped his waist tightly.

"J-Jungkook-" "Shhh." Jungkook hushed him, slowly moving his lips down to his neck and gently kissing it.

Jimin subtly tried to push him away as soon as he accidentally allowed a moan to slip past his lips.

"Jungkook, stop." He let out breathlessly.

"Sorry, am I making you uncomfortable?" Jungkook quickly leaned away.

"No, it's just...shouldn't we save this for tonight?" Jimin asked quietly.

"I was just kissing you, Jimin. Of course I'm gonna save all the fun stuff for tonight." He chuckled. 

"Oh." Jimin let out as he averted his gaze away from Jungkook.

"Look at me, baby." Jungkook whispered.

Jimin gazed back up into his eyes, the both of them smiling shyly as they made eye contact.

Jungkook could feel his heart pounding against his chest as he leaned down to reconnect their lips in a less needy manner this time, savoring every second of it as Jimin swung his arms around his neck.

Jungkook pulled away first, climbing off of Jimin to lay back down beside him.

"Aww, your heart is beating so fast right now." Jimin pointed it out after he'd rested his head against his chest.

He couldn't believe he still was able to do that to Jungkook just from simply looking at him.

"Yours is too." Jungkook chuckled.

He wasn't lying either. It was nice to know they were so in love with each other that they still made each other's hearts race.

"Did you get me a gift?" Jimin wondered.

"Of course I did." Jungkook smiled. "Why would I not?" He said.

"Can I get a hint at what it is?" The boy asked.

"No, you'll have to wait until later." Jungkook chuckled as he reached a hand up to boop the tip of Jimin's nose.

"I know you'll like it though." He smirked.

Jimin simply hummed in response, Jungkook frowning slightly as he noticed that the younger wasn't looking him in the eyes anymore.

"You don't seem excited that it's your birthday. Is something wrong?" Jungkook murmured.

"No, I am excited, really. I get to spend the whole day with you and Haneul. It'll be the best birthday ever." Jimin smiled faintly.

"I hope so. You deserve it." Jungkook smiled back.


A/n: I know it's short but I haven't updated this book in well over a month and it needed an update badly

The next chapter will be a lot longer, I promise ;)

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