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Jungkook spent most of that morning deciding on what to make Jimin for breakfast before beginning to cook it.

"Is Haneul awake yet?" Jungkook asked as Jimin entered the kitchen a little later than him because he'd gone back to sleep for another hour.

"No, she's still sleeping." Jimin pouted slightly.

"She's just like you, a sleepy baby." Jungkook chuckled as he caught a glance at Jimin's pouty face.

"I don't even sleep that much." He whined.

"Never said it was a bad thing. It's cute, really." Jungkook said.

Jimin walked over to stand beside him at the stove, Jungkook placing a slice of bread onto the pan.

"What're you making?" Jimin asked curiously.

"Well, you said you really liked French toast the last time I made it, so I'm making it again. And omelettes too." Jungkook smiled softly at him.

"Sounds yummy." Jimin nodded.

Just moments later, he could hear Haneul squirming around on the baby monitor, deciding to head back upstairs to see if she was awake.

He entered her bedroom and smiled as he saw the little one awake and ready to get up for the day. She smiled herself upon seeing Jimin, reaching her tiny arms up for him.

"Aww, come here, bun." He leaned down and scooped her up into his arms.

"Me and you both slept well, huh?" Jimin chuckled at her messy hair, leaning down to press a kiss onto the top of her head.

"Dada." She murmured.

She never stopped saying it ever since she realized she could say it.

"Yes, dada is downstairs making breakfast. I'm sure you're hungry too, hmm?" He spoke to her softly, the baby humming quietly in response as they headed down to the kitchen.

Jungkook was placing their plates of food on the table, smiling upon seeing the two.

"Dada!" She squeaked, reaching her arms for Jungkook.

"Aww, c'mere." He said as Jimin handed the little one over to him.

"You got enough sleep? Jimin sure did." He teased the boy.

"Oh shut up." Jimin rolled his eyes as he sat down.

Jungkook sat the baby in her high chair, feeding Haneul her baby food whilst eating his own breakfast.

"You cook really good food. I'm surprised you've never really cooked for yourself until we started dating." Jimin laughed quietly as he munched on his food.

"I just didn't feel like it, I guess." Jungkook shrugged. "But thanks for appreciating my skills." He winked at the younger.

They continued to eat quietly, the only other 'talking' going on was Handel mumbling gibberish as she ate the cereal puffs off her high chair tray.

"Since it's my birthday, are we gonna...y'know-" "Jimin, if you want to have sex tonight just say that." Jungkook turned to face him, laughing hysterically at how red Jimin's face had gotten.

"I didn't w-want to just straight up ask." He covered his face.

Jungkook stood up from his seat and walked over to him, caressing his face to make the boy look up at him.

"You're so cute, it's painful." He chuckled, pressing a little kiss onto his forehead.

"You don't even have to ask, you know that, right? Just let it happen." Jungkook said before letting go of him.

"I'll wash the dishes, you just go let Haneul play for a little bit." Jimin offered.

"You sure?" Jungkook asked, and Jimin nodded.

He entered into the kitchen, switching on the sink faucet so he could begin cleaning the dishes.

Jungkook came back after about ten minutes, standing beside Jimin as he he finished drying off the last dish, setting it aside on the rack so it could dry a little further.

"What?" Jimin murmured as he turned to peer up at him.

"I wish I could've met you so much earlier. Like when we were younger, maybe." Jungkook smiled faintly. "My life has been so much better since I met you." He said.

"I wish the same sometimes, honestly." Jimin admitted, Jungkook stepping closer to him and wrapping his arms around the smaller's waist.

"But I'm happy we're together, nonetheless." Jimin nodded.

Jungkook just continued to look at him, smiling like an idiot as he stared.

"What?" The younger let out a laugh as he poked Jungkook's face.

"I really wanna kiss you right now." Jungkook whispered, Jimin caressing his face gently as he leaned closer to his face.

"Then kiss me." Jimin smirked, their lips connecting just seconds later.

It escalated fairly quick, Jungkook lifting Jimin up and placing him on top of the other counter.

"J-Jungkook..." Jimin let out breathlessly, the man smirking as he trailed the kiss from his lips and down to his neck.

He left a small love mark, leaning away slightly before reconnecting their lips eagerly, Jimin running his fingers through his hair.

"What happened to waiting until tonight?" Jimin whispered against his lips.

"Who said we weren't doing anything tonight?" Jungkook whispered back before pecking his lips.

"You tease." Jimin playfully punched his chest.

"Shh, c'mere." Jungkook said, kissing him a lot softer this time, his heart fluttering at the feeling of Jimin's fingers brushing through his hair.

"I'm so happy I get to spend the rest of my life with you." Jungkook said after he'd leaned away from Jimin's face.

"Me too." Jimin smiled cutely.

"Haneul is probably wondering where I disappeared to." The man laughed as he helped Jimin down from the counter top.

"Jungkook?" Jimin stopped his before he could leave the kitchen.

"Hmm?" Jungkook hummed as he turned around.

"You really meant that, right?" He asked.

"Of course I did." Jungkook nodded.

He wouldn't want anything else but the spend the rest of his life with Jimin.

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