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"Dad, I wanna ask you something." Jungkook spoke quietly into his phone as he stepped outside of their house.

It was later on that evening after dinner, and Jimin was giving Haneul her bottle to go to sleep that night. Jungkook had decided to take that time to call and ask his dad for a little fatherly advice.

"Sure, son. What is it?" Mr. Jeon asked.

"I hurt Jimin's feelings, and he'd kept it to himself for a while. I didn't even realize I had until he broke down today. I mean, we talked through it, but I don't know how to completely make things up to him. Do you have any idea of what I should do?" Jungkook asked, tearing up just thinking about the current situation.

"You know, just like your mother and I, making things up to Jimin completely might not happen right away. He's got to build up that sense of trust he lost with you again for things to be completely better again." His father explained.

"I can't wait a while dad, I-I feel horrible about it." Jungkook's voice wavered.

"Well, if it's bothering you so much, why don't you two spend a day together. I can watch the baby for you two while you figure things out a bit more. Because the situation is likely not nearly as bad as what happened between your mother and I, Jimin probably just needs a little reassurance." Mr. Jeon concluded.

"You really think?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes. From what I can tell, Jimin loves you more than anything. He just needs to know that you truly feel that way for him too." His father added.

"But, h-haven't I plenty of times already? What haven't I done?" Jungkook frowned slightly.

"I don't know, Jungkook. Do what you think will make things right between you two." The older man ended it there.

"Okay, thanks dad." Jungkook murmured before he hung up.

He stepped back inside the house from the front porch, making sure the doors and windows were locked throughout the house before heading upstairs.

Jungkook stopped at Haneul's room, where Jimin was carefully laying the baby in her crib for the night.

He stood up straight, turning to face the door where Jungkook stood quietly. They both met gazes, Jungkook offering an apologetic look as Jimin simply let out a almost inaudible sigh.

He switched off the light in her room before walking towards the door, grasping Jungkook's hand as he started walking to their bedroom.

"Jimin-" "Shhh, it's late." Jimin whispered as they stepped inside, swinging his arms around Jungkook's neck to hug him.

"I'm really sorry, baby. I don't know how to make things better between us. I don't know how to prove to you that all I do is truly love you." He murmured as he hugged back.

"Do whatever you think will make things up to me." Jimin whispered

Jungkook leaned away slightly to caress his face, placing a small kiss onto his forehead.

"I going to spend the day with just you tomorrow. My dad offered to watch Haneul and I'm going to try and make things up to you then." He assured.

"The whole day?" Jimin asked.

"Mmhm. I'm not going into work or anything. Just me and you." Jungkook nodded. "Let's go to bed, alright?" He suggested, and Jimin nodded.

Jungkook got into bed beside Jimin, holding him close as the younger rested his head against his chest.

Jungkook placed a hand on the top of Jimin's head, gently brushing his fingers through his hair.

"Jimin?" Jungkook whispered.

"Hmm?" Jimin hummed in response.

"I...I don't want things to get bad between us." Jungkook's voice wavered.

Jimin leaned away from his chest slightly to look up into his eyes, a worried expression flashing across his face. Jungkook had tears in his eyes.

"They won't, Kookie, I promise." Jimin shook his head.

Jungkook chuckled softly as the tears fell, closing his eyes to prevent more from falling.

"You've never called me a nickname before." He murmured.

"Oh, do you not want me to-" "No, it's adorable. I love it." Jungkook smiled faintly as Jimin reached up to wipe his tears away.

"So I can call you that now if I want?" Jimin teased.

"Of course you can, it's the cutest thing ever." The older laughed.

They were quiet for a while again until Jungkook started to speak up again.

"You know, when you were still pregnant with Haneul, maybe around your fourth month in when our relationship was finally serious..." He started.

"Sometimes at night when we went to bed, I'd just talk to your tummy." He admitted and they both burst into laughter.

"I know she wasn't even fully developed then, but I'd still talk to your tummy as if she could hear me." He added as they continued to laugh.

It was such a light-hearted moment considering their current situation between each other, but Jimin felt like just this conversation enough made things up to him.

"And I'd just watch you sleep just to make sure you were doing okay, even in your sleep. I was always just so afraid something would happen to you, or if I went to sleep and woke up everything would just be a dream. I just loved you too much not to worry about you." Jungkook continued to talk quietly.

"And then I'd always just to think to myself 'I'm so damn lucky.' and how much I eventually wanted to marry you one day. Marriage wasn't even something I wanted until I met you.
I couldn't be happier to have you in my life." He concluded, not even realizing he had tears falling from his eyes again.

"Kookie?" Jimin whispered.

"Hmm?" Jungkook hummed.

"We'll be okay, I promise. Let's just go to sleep, m'kay?" Jimin insisted.

He leaned in and pecked Jungkook's lips and wiped his tears once more before laying back against his chest. It was quiet the rest of the night, the only noise in the room was Jungkook's quiet sniffles as he continued to cry softly until he drifted to sleep.

Though Jimin stayed awake after the fact, holding onto Jungkook tightly.

And he knew in that moment Jungkook really didn't need to do anything else to 'make things up' to him. The whole conversation they just had was enough proof he never meant what he said during their honeymoon.

Jimin then closed his eyes, drifting to sleep soon after Jungkook.

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