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Fast forward a few days and it was the day before the two left back to Seoul. Jungkook didn't plan on doing much with Jimin today since the previous days they'd been going out on hikes and visiting a bunch of cool places.

Jungkook had woken up before Jimin, squinting a little as the sun spilled through the window. He planned to take Jimin to the beach for a relaxing day, knowing the boy needed one.

The younger shifted in his sleep, clinging onto Jungkook like a koala. Jungkook chuckled softly, brushing his fingers through Jimin's soft hair.

"Jiminie?" Jungkook whispered softly. He leaned forward and planted a small kiss on his forehead. "Baby?" He said, gently shaking him. Jimin's eyelids twitched a little before he slowly opened them, immediately locking eyes with Jungkook.

He whined quietly, shutting his eyes again as he rested his head against Jungkook's chest. "W-Why'd you wake me up so early?" Jimin murmured. "It's eight o'clock, baby." Jungkook laughed a little.

"That's still early." Jimin complained. "I wanted to take you to the beach since it's our last day here and I haven't taken you yet." Jungkook explained. "Ooo, the beach sounds great right about now." Jimin's tone switched from irritated to excited.

"You feeling alright this morning?" Jungkook asked, placing his hands on Jimin's tummy. "Yeah, I don't feel sick for once." Jimin sighed in relief. "That's good." Jungkook said.

Jimin looked up and smiled softly, Jungkook just staring in awe of Jimin. He was quiet for a moment before speaking. "You're so damn pretty." He whispered, reaching a hand up and caressing Jimin's face.

"I'm so in love with you." He went on. "I can't believe I ever hurt you before." Jungkook concluded. "I love you so much." He breathed out, pressing their lips together for a few sweet seconds.

"I love you too." Jimin responded, smiling to himself. Jungkook held to boy close, closing his eyes and sighing quietly. "Jungkook shouldn't we get up now-" "Shhhh..." He hushed Jimin.

"I just wanna stay like this for a little longer." Jungkook whispered. "But Jungkook-" "Be quiet, baby." Jungkook murmured. Jimin kept quiet, sighing as he rested his head against his chest.

"I t-thought you wanted to go earlier." Jimin whispered quickly. "No, I wanted to take you later in the day, when it's less crowded." Jungkook explained. "Ah, okay. I'll be quiet now." Jimin giggled.

"Gosh, you're so precious." Jungkook laughed. "Please stay like this, forever." Jungkook smiled to himself. "I don't plan on changing." Jimin answered.


Jimin had ended up falling asleep for a couple of more hours while Jungkook got up to make brunch. He stood up, leaning down and placing a kiss on Jimin's cheeks before leaving the bedroom.

He entered the kitchen and collected the ingredients to make brunch. He ended up making strawberry muffins, a personal favorite of Jimin's.

After he placed them in the oven to bake, he went back to the bedroom to see if Jimin was awake yet.

The boy was sitting up, yawning quietly as he stretched his arms above his head. Cute. Jungkook thought as he smiled. "Did you get enough rest, hmm?" Jungkook asked, gently stroking Jimin's hair.

"Yeah. I'm a bit more energized now." Jimin nodded. "I made strawberry muffins, your favorite. They're baking right now." Jungkook said. "Really?!" Jimin's face lit up.

"Yeah, I know how much you like them." Jungkook replies. "Thank you!" Jimin chirped, swinging his arms around Jungkook's neck and hugging him.

Once the muffins were ready, they let them cool down before eating a couple, Jungkook fixing two glasses of orange juice for him and Jimin.

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