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That next morning, Jimin awoken in a bit in a daze, almost forgetting that Haneul was at his father-in-law's house. Yes, now that the two were married, Jimin remembered to think 'father-in-law' rather than just 'Jungkook's dad'.

He blinked a few times before noticing that Jungkook was staring at him, a content smile playing upon his lips. The younger started to blush, subtly covering his face with the comforter.

The man laughed as he moved the cover away from Jimin's face, pulling the smaller closer to his body. "Cutie." He mumbled quietly, pressing numerous little kisses onto Jimin's face.

"You sleep okay? Did you get enough rest?" Jungkook wondered as he caressed his face with a hand, Jimin simply nodding in response.

"Are you feeling a little better about the situation at all?" He asked. "A little." Jimin answered honestly. "That's good, I hated seeing you so upset. It really breaks my heart." Jungkook lamented.

"I know, I'm sor-" "No, I don't wanna hear you apologize anymore." He shook his head.

"Don't we have to go get Haneul?" Jimin asked. "No, I was gonna let dad keep her for today and we'll go get her later on this evening." Jungkook explained.

Jimin placed his head against Jungkook's chest, letting out a quiet sigh as he closed his eyes. It had been a while since they had alone time like this to just relax and cuddle.

"Baby?" Jungkook whispered, carefully rubbing small circles on his back. "Hmm?" Jimin hummed. "Look at me." He said, the younger peering up into his eyes. "I care about you so much, you know that, right?" He spoke softly.

"Yeah." Jimin nodded, his heart fluttering at the man's sweet words. "I'm so happy we're married now." He grinned, planting a kiss onto Jimin's lips briefly.

"I am too." Jimin nodded, his eyes starting to gloss over with tears. "Jungkook?" He murmured. "Yes?" Jungkook answered.

"Can you be honest with me right now?" Jimin began, knowing that Jungkook was too good at keeping his true feelings hidden about certain situations.

"What is it, Jimin?" He asked. "Are you upset because of what I told you yesterday? P-Please don't lie either." The younger started to cry. It's all he felt like he could do because of the amount of guilt he was feeling.

"I don't wanna answer that, Jimin. I don't want to hurt your feelings anymore." Jungkook shook his head. "It's not g-going to make a difference because I've obviously hurt yours." The boy let out.

"I was upset, but I'm not anymore because that's something out of my control. I can't help how you feel about certain things." Jungkook answered truthfully.

"I know you love me, Jimin. And I know at one point you loved him too. But that's not going to change anything between us now. I love you so much, more than anything." He spoke quietly, gently wiping the tears away from Jimin's face.

"If you still have feelings for him, it's okay-" "I don't." Jimin stopped him. "I let him go, Jungkook, I really had no choice but to. I told you the feelings yesterday were just a fluke because of the letter." He said.

"I just feel r-really bad because yesterday was supposed to be a really happy day, but I ruined it." Jimin sniffled. "No, you didn't ruin it, Jimin. It only would've been ruined if you kept that from me and pretended like things were fine." Jungkook admitted.

"I promise everything is okay between us." He nodded assuringly, leaning in and planting a kiss onto the tip of Jimin's nose.

They laid in bed for another half hour before Jimin got up, deciding he'd make breakfast as an apology, though Jungkook didn't think he needed to apologize for anything.

He ended up making hotteok, one of Jungkook's favorite breakfast foods, and a simple strawberry banana smoothie to have on the side.

Jimin set their food on the table, Jungkook thanking him quietly. He could tell Jimin was still in mental distress, wanting so badly for the younger to know and understand that the situation was over with and he didn't have to be upset anymore.

Jimin ate without a word, Jungkook talking mindlessly about what he wanted as the boy listened, humming in response every now and then.

After breakfast, Jimin offered to wash their dishes by himself, but Jungkook didn't want to leave him alone.

He walked up behind Jimin at the kitchen sink, carefully wrapping his arms around his waist to back hug him.

"We leave for our honeymoon next week. I'm really excited." Jungkook spoke softly, gently placing a kiss against the side of Jimin's neck.

"Where are we going?" Jimin wondered. "Well, I'm taking you to two places. One's a surprise though." The man smirked.

"Aww, I wanna know." Jimin pouted. "You'll see next week." He chuckled, letting go of Jimin so he could finish washing their dishes.


Later on that evening, Mr. Jeon stopped by to drop Haneul off back home, Jimin happy to see her.

She squealed adorably as soon as she saw the man, reaching her little arms out for him. "Hi, bun~" He spoke softly as he held the baby in his arms, Jungkook entering the foyer.

"Haneul didn't give you too much trouble, did she?" He laughed as his father handed him her belongings. "Nah, she's a little angel. She cooperated." The older man chuckled.

"That's good. Have a good night." Jungkook waved. "Say 'bye bye'." Jimin waved Haneul's hand for her as Mr. Jeon left.

Jungkook took her things upstairs while Jimin carried her into the kitchen to fix her bottle for the night.

"Did you have fun with your grandpa, hmm?" Jimin hummed, the infant squirming in his arms eagerly. "You did, huh?" He laughed. Jimin sat her in her high-chair just while he fixed her bottle.

"Da!" She let out, Jimin smiling a little to himself. After warming up her bottle of milk, he walked back over to the high-chair and scooped the little one back up into his arms.

"Here you go." Jimin spoke softly, placing the small rubber tip in between her lips so she could drink the milk.

Jungkook came back downstairs and entered the kitchen, smiling faintly as he approached the two. "Hi, sweetie~" Jungkook whispered, pressing a kiss onto her forehead.

Haneul turned to look at him, humming quietly as a smiled crossed her face.

"She's getting so close to saying her first word." Jimin murmured. "I know, I'm so proud of her." Jungkook looked up from the baby to meet eyes with Jimin. The both smiled contently at each other, the older feeling at ease knowing that everything was okay between them now.

After a while, Jimin took her upstairs to her room, laying her down in her crib and popping a pacifier into her mouth. Him and Jungkook both stayed and watched as she drifted to sleep before leaving the room.

The two got ready for bed themselves, Jimin starting to feel a whole lot better about their relationship than he did yesterday.

He laid beside Jungkook, the older man securely wrapping his arms around him and peppering little kisses upon his face. "Jungkook, quit it!" He giggled softly, Jungkook letting out a quiet laugh as they gazed into each other's eyes.

He didn't know why, but he found himself getting teary-eyed as he observed Jimin's face, feeling an overwhelming  amount of joy building up in his heart.

"You okay?" Jimin whispered, Jungkook nodding in response as he pulled Jimin closer to his body, brushing his fingers though the younger's hair.

"I love you." He mumbled, gently kissing Jimin's lips. "I love you too." Jimin answered, resting his head against Jungkook's chest as he closed his eyes, the both of them drifting to sleep with a mutual sense of happiness.

Everything would be okay now- no...

Everything was okay now between the couple.

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