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Haneul was asleep for a late nap around five in the evening. The two were about to head out for Jimin's birthday date, but they had to drop the little one off at Jin and Namjoon's house first.

"You think she'll be alright?" Jimin asked as he carefully strapped the sleeping baby in her car seat carrier, making sure it was strapped into the backseat correctly.

"Yeah, she was fine with dad for nearly a week when we were gone for our honeymoon." Jungkook reminded.

"It's only normal you're nervous leaving her alone. You'll always feel like that." Jungkook chuckled as he kissed the younger on the cheek.

The drive to their friend's house was quiet, but not in a bad way. Jungkook was simply enjoying Jimin's company, so he'd decided not to talk much until they arrived at their date destination.

Once at Jin and Namjoon's apartment complex, Jimin and Jungkook both went inside, Jungkook carrying her in the car seat while Jimin carried her travel bag.

He rang the doorbell, Jin opening moments later with a warm smile.

"Hey, how's it going?" He asked as he let the both of them in.

"Pretty good, how about you? Is Namjoon around?" Jimin asked as they entered the living room.

"He's out picking up our dinner. He should be back soon." Jin informed, seeming a little on edge as he sat down in the couch.

"You okay? You seem a little paranoid." Jimin laughed quietly.

"Actually, I found something out yesterday." Jin began, and Jimin could already see where things were headed.

"I'm expecting." He revealed.

"Aww, really?! That's great!" Jimin gushed as he hugged his best friend, Jungkook congratulating him as well.

"I haven't told Joon yet. I'm really nervous. I mean, we've been trying lately anyways so it wouldn't be too much of a surprise, but I'm still nervous." The older sighed.

"Tell him over dinner. I'm sure he'll be happy. I'm so happy for you." Jimin said as he let go, eyeing Haneul still fast asleep.

"She shouldn't wake up for another hour or so and even when she does, she won't be awake long before falling back asleep. Just make sure you feed her and give Haneul her bottle during that time though." Jimin instructed.

"Okay, have fun on your little date. Happy birthday." Jin hugged him once more.

"Thanks." Jimin smiled, the two letting go of each other so him and Jungkook could leave.


Songdo Central Park was just about and hour and a half away from Seoul, but Jimin didn't mind the distance for their date. It was his birthday after all, and Jungkook just wanted to do something special. The younger boy appreciated it a lot, in all honesty, having being married to someone like Jungkook, every minor detail about their relationship he felt the need to do something do special for the boy. Jimin loved that so much about him.

"What're you thinking about, baby? You've been quiet over there." Jungkook chuckled softly, carefully taking a hand off the steering wheel and placing it on Jimin's thigh.

Something about the comforting touch of Jungkook's hand on his thigh caused Jimin's heart to flutter, a warmth rising in his chest as he reluctantly glanced over at Jungkook. He met gazes with the man, a shy smile mindlessly making its way onto his lips.

"Nothing, just how much I've been enjoying my birthday." Jimin admitted.

"But we've barely done anything today. I kinda feel bad I didn't plan out more stuff for your birthday today." A sigh escaped from Jungkook's mouth.

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