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Hey y'all I'm back :D

"What do you wanna do today, hmm?" Jungkook whispered softly just as Jimin woke up the next morning. "I dunno." He murmured. "You pick." Jimin suggested.

"I want your opinion too." Jungkook stated. "Just pick something." Jimin whispered, eyes still closed as he nuzzled his face into Jungkook's neck.

The man chuckled quietly at the pleasant sensation of Jimin's warm breath tickling his neck, pulling the smaller closer to his body.

"I think we'll go visit the waterfalls like we did last time. I want today to be somewhat relaxing for you." Jungkook concluded.

"M'kay." Jimin hummed. The man sat up, yawning quietly as Jimin continued to cling onto him. "Nooo, don't get up." He murmured.

"I'm not going anywhere, baby. I just sat up." Jungkook laughed, carefully brushing his fingers through Jimin's hair as the boy rested his head onto his lap.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Jungkook wondered. "I'll make breakfast." Jimin offered. "Well, I have to go to the grocery store so just send me a list of things to get in general. We're gonna be on the island for nearly two weeks." Jungkook said.

"I will." Jimin nodded. He adjusted his head so that he was gazing up into Jungkook's eyes. The older man smiled contently as he leaned down, pressing a few small kisses onto Jimin's face, placing the last one against his lips.

"You have to let me get up now, though." He chuckled. Jimin pouted slightly before removing his head from Jungkook's lap so he could get up and go to the grocery store.

He changed out of his pajamas and into slightly more presentable clothing, a plain t-shirt and sweatpants, before leaving the house, leaving Jimin alone to lay in the bed.

He texted him a long list of food items that would last them the two weeks they'd be there, making sure he added things Jungkook liked so the man wouldn't forget because he'd be too caught up trying to everything Jimin wanted.


Jimin got out of bed upon hearing the front door open after almost half an hour. He quietly crept downstairs, shivering at how cold it was in the house.

"Can we turn off the air conditioning?" Jimin wondered as he followed Jungkook into the kitchen. "No, just go put on some pants." Jungkook chuckled.

All Jimin had worn to bed the night before was a pair of boxers and a large t-shirt that belonged to Jungkook.

He decided to just deal with it, starting on breakfast while Jungkook put the other groceries away. "You should call your dad and see how Haneul is doing." Jimin suggested.

"I'll call later, I'm sure she's fine. Dad would call me if something was wrong." Jungkook said. "And she's probably still asleep." He added with a quiet laugh.

Once done putting the groceries away, Jungkook stepped close behind Jimin, swinging his arms around his waist to back hug him as he cooked, something he did nearly everyday if a Jimin was making breakfast.

"What're you making?" He asked quietly, pressing a kiss onto the side of Jimin's neck. "Omelettes." Jimin answered, giggling softly at the warm sensation of Jungkook's lips against his skin.

"I'll burn it if you don't let go of me." He warned. "I don't wanna let go." Jungkook mumbled, tightening his hold around the boy.

"Jiminie?" Jungkook began. "Hmm?" He hummed, placing the first finished omelette on a plate to the side. "How would you feel about having another baby?" Jungkook wondered, gently rubbing Jimin's now flat tummy.

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