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Jimin had woken up after Jungkook the next morning, peering around frantically wondering where he'd gone because he wasn't in the bed anymore.

He then heard the shower running and sighed out of relief, the water cutting moments later.

Jimin sat up, hearing the door handle turn and out walked Jungkook. He only had a towel wrapped around his waist, his sculpted upper body exposed, using another towel to dry his hair slightly long hair.

"Oh, you're awake now." He smiled. Jimin then realized he was completely naked, quickly pulling the comforter up to cover his body up as he started to blush, which made Jungkook laugh.

Jungkook approached Jimin on his side of the bed, the younger wincing as he adjusted the way he was sitting. "Are you sore?" Jungkook wondered and Jimin nodded.

"I'm sorry, was I too rough last night?" He worried. "No, you were really gentle, actually. Thanks for listening to me when asked you to be." Jimin smiled faintly.

"Of course." Jungkook said, leaning in and pressing a small kiss onto his lips. "Beside the fact that it hurts right now, last night was really nice." Jimin mumbled.

"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." Jungkook smiled as kissed Jimin once more before walking away to get dressed in some comfortable clothing.

Jimin got up and took a shower himself, Jungkook insisting the boy wear one of his hoodies. Jimin dressed in a pair of sweatpants, Jungkook retrieving a hoodie of his and sliding it on the boy.

It was slightly too big for Jimin, the older awing quietly because he looked absolutely adorable. "It's too big." Jimin giggled as he flopped his sweater paws around. "Aww, come here." Jungkook pulled Jimin into his arms, holding the boy as close as he could.

"Wanna just stay in today? We can binge watch a show, or something. Maybe watch a bunch of movies and just relax. I know you're tired from last night." Jungkook suggested, placing a kiss onto his forehead.

"That's sounds nice. I am really tired." Jimin agreed. Jungkook almost didn't want to let go of Jimin, enjoying the feeling of having him in his arms. He was so small and warm, it was very comforting.

"You okay, Jungkook? You've been holding me for a while." Jimin laughed quietly. "I know." Jungkook smiled, letting go after a few seconds.

Jungkook led him over to the couch, the two sitting down as Jungkook switched on the tv. "I'll call room service for breakfast, just tell me what you want, okay?" Jungkook offered.

Jimin nodded, resting his head against the man's chest. He could feel his heart start to beat fast all of a sudden, but then it started to go back to its normal rate.

It was nice to know he still made Jungkook's heart race from little actions like that. Jungkook wrapped his arms around Jimin, smiling to himself until he heard his phone ring and got one glance at the caller ID.

"Jungkook, you have to answer it this time." Jimin said, as he saw that it was Jungkook's mom that was calling.

"I can't, Jimin. I can't talk to her." Jungkook shook his head. Jimin picked the phone up, holding his finger close to the answer button.

"Jimin don't." Jungkook snatched it away. He answered himself, letting go of Jimin to get up from the couch.

"Hello?" Jungkook answered. "Jungkook, sweetie we need to have a serious talk." She began, but the tone she'd used this time when Jungkook spoke to her was in a softer demeanor.

"Mom, I really don't want to talk to you right now. I have other things I rather be doing." Jungkook frowned slightly. "I know, your father told me you were on your honeymoon." She let out a small sigh.

"You never told me you were married, and that you have a baby? Why didn't you tell me that?" She let out.

"As if you would care? You didn't care about me when I didn't mention them so when it's known to you, you suddenly care about me?!" Jungkook left out of the hotel room at this point so Jimin didn't have to hear him yelling.

"No, Jungkook, it's not like that. I was only angry at myself, I took it out on you. I was so unsure how to feel when you'd suddenly contacted me again after so long. I pushed myself out of your life and I admit, that's my fault. You're not a horrible person." She sounded as if she were going to cry.

"That's such a bullshit excuse." Jungkook fired, tears ready to leave his eyes. "Jungkook, I'll be waiting to talk to you civilly when you get back home. I know you're still angry right now, so I'm going to give you time to cool off and think." She concluded before hanging up.

Jungkook stepped back into the room, Jimin quietly standing by the door. He got worried as soon as he saw the tears on Jungkook's face.

"Jungkook-" "Please, Jimin, I'm fine." He stopped the boy from talking. "No you aren't, you're crying." Jimin spoke softly. "I cry when I get mad or frustrated, a lot of people do." Jungkook reasoned.

"But that clearly made you upset, why won't you talk to me about it-"

"Because I don't have to fucking talk to you about everything?! When are you ever going to learn that there are some things you have to just stay out of that's not your business? I really can't fucking stand you sometimes." Jungkook snapped.

Jimin sensed it was going to happen, but he wasn't expecting Jungkook to say that. He didn't want that last sentence to get to him because he knew Jungkook was talking out of anger, but it hurt, a lot.

Made the last couple of days, especially last night seem meaningless.

"I-I was just- I was just making sure you were okay, because I really love you and I-I hate seeing you upset." Jimin responded after a small silence, surprised to realize tears were leaving his eyes too as he looked back up at Jungkook, who's expression had quickly softened upon seeing that.

"Jimin, I-" "But you're right, it's really not my business." He laughed bitterly as more tears started to fall. Jungkook ran his his fingers through his hair, letting out a shaky breath before grabbing his shoes and phone, leaving the hotel room.

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