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Baby Haneul was born February 3rd at 9:33 a.m., a bit earlier that day than expected. Newborn baby's are typically scary looking, but not her. Just as they both predicted, she was a pretty baby.

After her health assessment, Jimin finally got to hold her. She weighted exactly six pounds and as far as they could tell, she had Jimin's eyes. It'd be quiet some time before they could figure out who's smile she had.

"Aww, she looks just like you." Mrs. Park said as she observed the baby. Jimin couldn't hold back his tears of course. It was one of the most happiest moments he'd experienced in his life so far.

He held her for a while before handing her over to Jungkook, who was quite ecstatic to finally see her. He peered down at her little face in adoration, carefully outlining it with his finger as his eyes welled up with tears.

"She's perfect." He breathed out quietly as a few tears fell. Jungkook looked back up to meet eyes with Jimin, who was crying too. "I know, right?" He giggled through his tears.

She made a small noise, squirming a little in the blanket as Jungkook glanced back down at her with a contented smile. "I'm not going to let anything hurt you, I promise." He whispered softly, pressing a kiss onto her tiny nose.

"I love her so much already." Jungkook pouted. "She's gonna be attached to you." Jimin insisted. "You really think so?" The man asked and Jimin nodded.

Jungkook sat down in the chair, continuing to hold the baby in his arms for a while. He seriously didn't want to let her go.

"Jungkook, you know I have to stay here a little longer, right?" Jimin reminded. "Yeah." He nodded, not taking his eyes away from Haneul.

"You think you'll be okay alone with her for a few days?" He asked. "I'll be okay, she shouldn't be too much of a handful." Jungkook chuckled.


Later on that day, Jin and Namjoon came to visit Jimin.

His parents had left not too long ago so the three had been alone for a little bit.

Jimin was happy to see the two, for if it weren't for them, he probably wouldn't have found out he was expecting until a lot later.

"Can I hold her?" Jin asked excitedly and Jimin nodded, carefully handing Haneul over to him.

"Awww, she's so cute! She looks just like you." He pointed out. "You're gonna let me babysit, right?" Jin grinned. "Of course you can." Jimin nodded.

"Yay!" Jin squealed. "This makes me want to have a kid now." He pouted as he handed Haneul back to Jimin. "One day." Namjoon chuckled.

"Wait, really?!" Jin's eyes lit up. "Yeah, why wouldn't I want kids?" Namjoon frowned in confusion. "I love you so much." Jin hugged him tightly.

"Gross, you two go be lovey-dovey somewhere else." Jimin teased playfully. "Jimin please, you and Jungkook are a hundred times worse." Jin fired back.

"No we're-" Jimin started to raise his voice but Haneul whined quietly. "-not." He finished in a whisper. "Okay..." Jin laughed to himself.

"How long do you have to stay?" He changed the topic. "I think five or six days." Jimin answered. "Well that sucks." Jin frowned. "Yeah, Jungkook and Haneul get to leave tomorrow." The younger pouted a little.

"We'll come visit you." Jungkook smiled. "No you won't, you're gonna wanna be at home with her all day." Jimin shook his head. "Not all day." The man crossed his arms.

"Okay, Jungkook." He rolled his eyes. "Well, I'll come visit you." Jin laughed softly. "Obviously you will." Jimin giggled.

Him and Namjoon stayed for a bit longer before leaving, Jimin happy that they came to see him.

He peered down at Haneul, the little girl fast asleep in his arms. "She sleeps all day like you." Jungkook teased. "I don't sleep all day." Jimin whined.

"I'm just messing with you." Jungkook ruffled his hair. "You wanna hold her?" Jimin asked, Jungkook nodding eagerly as he scooped the small baby into his arms.

He watched as Jungkook held her, knowing just by the way he looked at her so fondly that he was happy with how things turned out in the end, and he'd be there for her.

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