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Almost few months had passed, a few uneventful months at that, and it was now January. Jungkook had started going back to work full time half of the week, working part-time the other half. Jimin didn't mind it too much, but he did miss him a lot. He'd gone so long just having Jungkook home all of the time with him and Haneul, but it wasn't like that anymore.

But on a more important note, Jimin had yet to take a pregnancy test today, well, more like his seventh. After the night of his birthday, the first time they'd had sex without protection, Jimin waited a while before taking a test, however, it turned out to be negative. It was confirmed by his doctor as well, though it wasn't too big of a shock to him because he hadn't experienced any symptoms at all.

They'd tried again, but the same results had occurred. Jimin really thought he was the second time he tried because he thought he was having pregnancy symptoms, but it turned out to be false, and Jimin really had the flu instead. After that, he'd started to become worried because it didn't seem right that he was able to get pregnant with Haneul unintentionally the first time he'd ever had sex in his life, but the moment he intentionally started, both tests came back negative.

Jimin was well aware that for some people, it does take a little more trying than others, but he felt such a pressure to get a positive test back because he knew how much Jungkook wanted a second child.

He almost felt guilty about it, no, he did feel guilty about it. It was effecting his moods from day to day, but of course Jungkook didn't notice because he wasn't particularly home and around Jimin enough to notice.

Jungkook would always check in to make sure Jimin was doing alright throughout the days, and even when he was at home he'd assure the boy that he was there to talk anytime he needed, but he was too afraid to really tell Jungkook the truth straight forward.

Today was an especially anxiety ridden day because he'd reached the two and a half week mark since they'd had sex recently, and he would be taking a test later on that day. Jimin was terrified to see another little 'negative' pop up on the test. They'd tried three times after his birthday before taking a long break, and started recently again in December.

The anxiousness was eating him alive at this point, he was starting to feel sick. Not like a flu sick, but the type of sick you get when you're stressed, constant headaches, mood swings, fatigue.

Sadly, today Jungkook would be at work all day until six in the evening, being today was a day he would be working full time. Jimin had woken up to the sound of the shower running, Jungkook absent from the spot beside the boy in bed.

He sat up slowly, resting his back against the headboard as he reached for the tv remote to switch on the morning news, although, he couldn't even quite focus on it without getting lost in his thoughts.

The shower shut off, Jimin listening to Jungkook shuffle around for a few moments before the door swung open. Jungkook exited the bathroom, wearing nothing but a pair of boxers as he towel dried his hair, a grin appearing on his face as he noticed Jimin was awake...and a complete blushing mess.

His heart started pounding as Jungkook approached his side of the bed, leaning close to Jimin face to press a tiny kiss onto his lips, the younger able to taste the mint from the toothpaste he'd used not to long ago.

"Good morning, baby." He spoke sweetly, pressing one more kiss onto Jimin's rosy cheek before standing back up straight. "How come you're up so early? You're usually still sleep when I'm getting ready." He noticed.

"I dunno." Jimin murmured, though he knew exactly why he'd woken up on his own so early.

Jungkook set the towel down, sitting himself on the edge of the bed close to Jimin. He tilted his head slightly as he studied the younger's expression. Oh no, Jimin thought as Jungkook eyes softened. He was catching on.

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