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Jungkook had woke up very, very early the next morning because his father was dropping by to pick up Haneul for the day.

He prepared a bag of extra clothes for her, Haneul's favorite blanket and stuffed animal. Jungkook's father already had her food, extra bottles, favorite snacks, and etc. there at his home.

"Come on sweetie, your grandpa will be here any minute." He whispered as he picked the baby up from her crib, carrying the bag on his shoulder as he slowly crept down the stairs.

Haneul began to whine quietly, Jungkook hoping that her fussiness would calm down so there wouldn't be too much of a commotion when she'd leave soon. He didn't want to wake Jimin at this hour.

"Shhh, it's okay, I got you." He spoke softly, holding her close in his arms, the little one's head rested upon his shoulder as they waited for his father to arrive.

"I know we just got back some days ago but you'll see us again tomorrow. I wanna make things up to your dada, m'kay?" He continued to whisper.

There were a few soft knocks on the front door moments later, Jungkook standing up quickly to go answer.

He swung open the door, his father there to pick Haneul up for the day.

The baby started to fuss again when Jungkook tried to hand her over to him.

"Shh, I know you don't wanna leave me, but it's going to be okay, bun. Your grandpa is going to take good care of you and you'll be back here before you know it." He said, pressing a kiss onto her forehead before he handed her over.

"I know you'll make things right between you and Jimin. He loves you a lot, I can tell. And I know just how much you love him too." The older man nodded.

"Thanks dad, really." Jungkook smiled faintly.

"Of course. I'll see you tomorrow." Mr. Jeon waved before leaving the house.

Jungkook headed back upstairs to their bedroom, tiredly laying back in the bed beside Jimin, who was still peacefully sleeping.

He slowly wrapped his arms around the smaller's waist, pulling Jimin a little bit closer to him as he let out a quiet sigh.

Jungkook simply peered down at his cute sleeping face, smiling faintly as he leaned down and planted a kiss onto his forehead, feeling content inside as he drifted back to sleep himself.


Jimin shifted slightly in Jungkook's arms, his head rested against his chest as he started to wake up slowly a few hours later.

He squinted as the sun light shining through the large windows invaded his vision, yawning quietly as he closed his eyes once more.

Jimin then noticed that Jungkook was indeed still in bed with him, and had a secure grasp around his body. He didn't go into work, as promised, so he knew that he must've been serious when he said it'd be just the two of them spending the day together.

He leaned away from his chest slightly to look up, meeting eyes with the older before they both smiled softly.

"How long have you been awake?" Jimin whispered.

"Maybe ten minutes." Jungkook answered.

"You've just been watching me the whole time?" The boy giggled, and Jungkook nodded, reaching a hand up to carefully run his fingers through Jimin's hair.

"When you start to wake up, it's the cutest thing ever." He admitted.

"Aww, is that why you're always awake before me? Just so you can watch me wake up?" Jimin teased, and Jungkook nodded once more.

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