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"You wanted to take me to the café? That's it?" Jimin rose a brow as Jungkook found a parking spot at Jimin's job.

"No, that's not it." Jungkook chuckled as he shut off the car.

"It's the first place I genuinely saw you and talked to you sober. Even though you were only just taking my order." He remembered.

The two got out the car, Jungkook holding Jimin's hand as they approached the entrance.

"Oh, well hello Jimin!" Hoseok was ecstatic to see him after a while. "How've things been? How's Haneul?" He asked.

"Pretty alright. Haneul's is doing great" Jimin greeted him with a smile.

"Where's Yoongi?" Jimin wondered.

"Oh, he's at home. I told him I'd take over today." Hoseok said.

Jimin faced Jungkook momentarily and frowned in confusion.

"We just had breakfast, why're we here?" He giggled.

"You'll see. Just order a drink." Jungkook suggested and Jimin hummed.

After ordering and receiving their drinks, Jungkook led him over to a table towards the back of the café. They sat down, Jimin taking a sip from his frozen strawberry lemonade as Jungkook began to talk.

"You and I have quite a few memories at this place." Jungkook started, unable to hold back a smile as he thought about them.

"Though you were just taking my order, it was the first time I talked to you in a normal mindset. It was strange seeing you considered what'd happened before that and the fact that I didn't like you." He went on.

"And then I showed up again to make sure you were okay after I'd said those stupid thing to you, but you weren't here. I felt so horrible about it as I sat in my car and made promise then and there that I was going to apologize and be there for you." Jungkook continued.

"Then we finally got to know each other better, and I'd stop by and visit you everyday on my lunch break. One of those times, I didn't know how to go about telling you that I seriously had feelings for you and asked your friends for advice to tell you." They both laughed at that memory.

"You were actually that nervous?" Jimin awed and Jungkook nodded.

"And I can remember the day before my birthday, you were working here late and it seemed like you'd forgotten I had to pick you up to head back to my place for the night." He smiled to himself.

"That's so cute you remember all of that." Jimin giggled softly.

"How could I forget?" Jungkook shrugged as he stared to blush faintly.

The two stayed for a little while longer before Jungkook declared he wanted to take Jimin to their next location.

It took another five minutes to get there, Jimin turning face Jungkook after he'd come to a realization.

"Are you taking me to all the places we've been together before?" The younger was starting to figure it out.

"Just a few of my favorites, that's all." Jungkook nodded as he parked and shut off the car.

They were at the lakefront park, which the two visited often together. Personally, this was one of Jungkook's favorite spots. Simple, but it held a few sweet memories.

Jimin reached his hand over to hold the older's as they walked along the path, Jungkook beginning to talk again as he recalled a memory.

"The first time I met you here is when we finally had a real conversation that didn't involve you crying or me saying something stupid to you." He remembered.

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