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A couple of days had passed and Jimin's pregnancy had been confirmed when he went to the hospital that next day. He was a bit more used to the news but still a bit in mental shock that it was happening and there was nothing he could really do about it.

He definitely didn't want to get rid of it because he could never forgive himself if he did that. Same with adoption. He didn't want to give up his child.

Today, Jimin decided to go to work to help distract himself from the situation. He took a shower before getting dressed and ready for the day.

He ate a small breakfast but it didn't stay in his stomach for too long. After heaving you everything he'd just eaten, he cried for a few minutes before getting up and flushing the toilet, washing his hands and his mouth out before redoing his makeup and leaving the apartment.

Once at the café, Yoongi and Hoseok both hugged him, feeling bad for the younger. They weren't really sure if bringing it up was a good idea so they just left it at giving him a comforting hug before they opened up the shop.

Jimin started to forget about it while taking people's orders and doing his job until the door swung open, the familiar brown-haired man stepping up to the counter. Jimin felt the sudden urge to cry, scream and vomit at the same time upon seeing him. At this point, Jimin was beginning to think he was showing up on purpose just to upset him more.

Jimin took his order despite being reminded of his current situation.

"You should talk to him now." Yoongi said. Jimin looked over to the table where Jungkook was sitting and quietly approached him.

He sat in front of him, Jungkook looking up and frowning. "Look, kid, I don't want to have to say it again-" "Please, I need to talk t-to you. It's serious." Jimin gave a pleading look. Jungkook peered at his little innocent face and couldn't resist this time.

"When's your shift over?" Jungkook asked. "In about t-thirty minutes." Jimin mumbled. "We can talk at your place." He said, not even looking Jimin in the eyes. "Thank you." Jimin said before getting up and leaving the man alone.

Then Jimin realized he actually had to tell Jungkook the horrifying news. He was so afraid of how he'd respond he almost wanted to go back and tell Jungkook never mind.


After Jimin's shift ended, Jimin texted Jungkook his address and simply waited in his apartment, becoming more and more nervous as the minutes flew by.

The doorbell rang and Jimin hopped up from the couch, hesitantly walking over to the door. He opened it and there Jungkook stood, an agitated look on his face. "Whatever you want to say, please say it quickly. I said I didn't want to talk to you anymore. You're damn lucky I'm being nice." He chastised.

They sat in the living room, Jimin taking a deep breath before speaking. "I know you don't like me and all, and that are thing was just a one-night stand, but there's something you should know that I think is serious and you should take seriously too." Jimin looked over at him.

The man gave him a strange look. "What?" He rose a brow. Jimin gulped, his eyes blurring from tears as he spoke. "J-Jungkook, you got m-me pregnant." Jimin breathed out. Jungkook's eyes widened a bit.

"No, stop lying. You're joking right? Show me proof." He demanded. Jimin got up and left the room before coming back with the positive test. Jungkook stared it in disbelief.


"Are you fucking serious?!" He yelled suddenly, startling Jimin as he broke down into tears. "You fucking bitch, this is all your fucking fault!" Jungkook fumed. "H-How's it m-my fault?!" Jimin cried. "If you're slutty ass didn't approach me at the club we wouldn't fucking be in the situation!" He glared.

"What?! Y-You came up t-to me first! Don't b-blame me for any of this! We were both d-drunk!" Jimin fires back. "Fucking bitch, I'm not taking care of your fucking mistake! I have a damn life to live that doesn't involve you or a damn child. Fuck you, don't you dare try and talk to me again, slut." Continued to yell.

"You're worthless to me now. I swear to fucking god if you contact me again, I'll beat the shit out of you." He ended it there, the man standing up to leave.

Jimin wasn't even shocked Jungkook reacted like that. He saw it coming but it still hurt. It still hurt Jimin that the man was so careless and didn't take one second to take his feelings about it into consideration.

It hurt way more than Jimin wanted it to.

Jungkook got into his car and drove off, Jimin's teary face staying in his mind the entire way back to his house. He didn't want to think about Jimin anymore but he couldn't help it.

He'd made a mistake and he knew it. It was both of their faults this was happening but he didn't want to include himself in the blame at all because he refused to believe that he got someone, who was just supposed to take things off his mind for a night, pregnant.


The next day Jungkook couldn't focus on his work at all. He'd been acting off all day, even his co-workers has noticed and checked on him multiple times.

He took a few phone calls before he decided to leave work early for the day, not much in the mood to stay any longer.

He left the office building and got into his car, deciding to drive to café to see if Jimin was there and make sure the boy was okay. He knew damn well in his mind he'd overacted yesterday.

When he arrived at the café, he entered but there was no Jimin in sight. He walked up to the counter and the two men working there, who he knew must've been Jimin's friends, frowned at him.

"Is Jimin not working today?" He asked. Hoseok scoffed. "No he's not working today, in fact, he's probably at his apartment crying because you decided to be such a dick to him!" Hoseok snapped. "Calm down, baby." Yoongi whispered to him.

"I know I shouldn't have-" "You're just now realizing that? You shouldn't have reacted like that in the first place. Leave, your face is irritating me." Hoseok kicked him out the shop.

Jungkook got into his car and decided to go home for the day.

When Jungkook arrived home, he just sat in his car, guilt washing over him like a tsunami. He was now starting to question why the hell even reacted like that and treated the younger so terribly.

For the first time, Jungkook actually felt bad about treating the boy coldly in the first place even before he knew he was pregnant and now he felt like there was no way he could make things better between the two.

He knew Jimin probably wouldn't forgive him for any of it but he had to be there for the boy and their child somehow. It's not like the man had anything better to do in his life anyways like he said he did. He was lonely. And Jimin was practically still a clueless kid after all. He couldn't take care of a child in his own.

So Jungkook made a promise to himself right there. No matter how hard it was going to be, he was gonna be there for Jimin despite the fact they were two complete strangers to each other.

But he was going to be there for him. He wanted to make things better now that it suddenly hit him what he did was so wrong.

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