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December was when things had started to go a little downhill for the couple. It was Jimin's seventh month and he was already sick and tired of everything, wanting things to be over with already.

But then the two had got into an argument. Even though Jungkook said his break from had started, the man still did work from his office at home. He was a workaholic, there was no doubt about it, but Jimin wasn't appreciating his ambition at moment because of what he'd promised before.

He told Jungkook that he wasn't happy that he was spending a majority of his day in his office despite saying he didn't even need to do work for a few months until after their daughter was born.

And at that, Jungkook got angry for what Jimin thought had no reason to it because he was just expressing his feelings he'd had bottled up for the past month.

So they argued for a long, painful hour until Jungkook declared Jimin to be acting sensitive for no reason. Jimin let it go, heading back up to their bedroom and slamming the door.

There, he laid on the bed and broke into tears, hating the fact that it seemed Jungkook had completely just invalidated his feelings.

He'd also seemed to forget the fact that Jimin was already sensitive as it is when he wasn't pregnant but now that his hormones were shifting, it was easier for him to get more emotional than usual.

Jimin laid there, harping on the thought that they'd promised each other a while ago they wouldn't fight again but it was bound to happen. Couples fight, it's normal. But Jimin didn't like getting into arguments with Jungkook.

He almost sounded like another different person when he was angry and it certainly scared Jimin.

Jungkook stood up from his office chair, sighing heavily. He deeply regret getting angry at Jimin like that now, forgetting that Jimin was more susceptible to getting emotional.

He exited the room, heading up the stairs to go apologize. He knocked on the bedroom door twice, entering despite not getting an answer.

He immediately felt a pinch in his heart  upon seeing the boy in tears. He ambled over to the bed, Jimin staring at him before turning the opposite way.

"Jimin-" "Don't, Jungkook." Jimin quickly let out. "Baby, don't do this to me right now." Jungkook murmured. "A-Are you fucking serious right now?!" Jimin hiccuped, the tears falling out of frustration rather than sadness now.

Jungkook appeared taken aback, Jimin sitting up and glaring at him. "I have every right to be upset right now. You got mad at me for completely no reason!" Jimin yelled, getting up and walking over to the closet.

"I had every right to get mad too." Jungkook crossed his arms but that short statement made him sound like a fool in this situation.

Jimin gawked at him in disbelief. "You're telling me that you had the right to get mad all because I expressed my feelings I'd been hiding for a month? A fucking month now because you lied to me about taking a break from work, are you kidding me?! And then you just acted as if it wasn't important and called me sensitive? I'm pregnant you fucking idiot of course I'm going to be sensitive!" He started to cry harder.

"Jimin-" "Fuck you." Jimin turned around, gathering a few clothes and shoving them in a bag. "Jimin where are you going?" Jungkook asked. "I'm not staying here if y-you're going to treat me like that." Jimin was starting to sound sad instead of angry again.

Jungkook just stood there, feeling light headed at the fact that he'd even acted that way towards the younger.

Jimin grabbed a few more things before leaving the room. "Jimin, wait. Please don't go. Can we just talk it out?" Jungkook pleaded. "I just did, but then you got mad, remember?" Jimin opened the front door, pacing over to his car.

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