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Jimin had woken up around eleven-thirty, Jungkook no longer in the bed beside him. He yawned quietly, sitting up slowly and reaching his hands up to rub his eyes with his tiny fists. Thankfully, he didn't feel nauseas anymore, which definitely would've ruined his day if he was still feeling sick. But he wasn't, so that was an upside.

Jimin stood up from the bed, heading out of the room to go downstairs into the kitchen where Jungkook had set up most of the decorations for Haneul's birthday. Pink, blue and yellow balloons crowded the corners of the room, streamers strung up to the ceiling and a pretty banner that spelled out 'Happy 1st Birthday'.

The only thing Jungkook was doing now was placing the last on the party hats onto the counter while Haneul crawled around following him across the kitchen. She still had yet to take her first steps, despite the fact that Jimin had been trying so much lately to help her learn to walk. He understood it took some babies longer than others to walk, but Jimin didn't want to get too concerned. She'd start walking sooner than he thought.

"Hey, sleepyhead." Jungkook finally noticed him standing in the doorway.

"Hey, why didn't you wake me up to help you?" Jimin asked as Jungkook approached him.

"I couldn't, you looked too peaceful while sleeping. It was cute." The man chuckled as he planted a soft kiss onto his forehead.

Jimin felt a little tug on his pajama pants, glancing down at Haneul who was looking up at him with an excited smile. He bent down and picked the little one up, placing a kiss onto her cheek.

"Hi, bunny! Happy birthday. You're one now." Jimin smiled.

"One!" She chirped, Jimin and Jungkook both smiling at each other at the fact she was speaking a little more now. Well, getting better at repeating words that is.

"Aww, did you get her dressed and do her hair?" Jimin had noticed.

She was wearing a pretty pastel pink sweater with a pair of overalls, pastel pink polka dotted socks to match. Haneul's hair was also tied into little pigtails with pink ribbons, topped off with pink hair clips too.

"I did." Jungkook nodded proudly.

"Dada got you all pretty for your special day, huh?" He spoke sweetly to the toddler, the girl squealing happily as she looked at Jungkook.

"Dada!" She pointed at him.

Jimin sat her down in her high chair, heading over to the fridge to decide what he wanted to eat for lunch.

"Did she eat already?" Jimin wondered as he just decided on a pack in instant ramen.

"Yep, she had lunch a little bit before you came down here." Jungkook answered.

Once his noodles were ready, Jimin sat down at the counter to eat his lunch, Jungkook taking Haneul to her play area in the living room to keep her occupied while he stayed and kept Jimin company while he ate his food. Jimin wanted to tell Jungkook he was taking a test later that day, but he was too hesitant because he didn't want to get Jungkook's hopes up. He felt like he'd done that far too many times already.

"You okay, baby? You've just seemed...off so far today." Jungkook asked as he sat beside him.

"I'm okay, I promise." Jimin nodded.

"Maybe I'm just over-analyzing stuff. I'm sorry." He apologized.

"It's fine. I understand why you're worried about me all the time, but you don't have to be anymore. I'm doing better." The boy assured.

After quickly finishing his lunch, Jimin went upstairs to get ready for the day himself, Jungkook staying downstairs with Haneul in the living room to try and practice walking with her. It seemed like she was very close to taking her first steps, but not quite there yet. The little one managed to stand on her own, but every time she went for a step, she'd tumble back onto the ground.

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